stream-project / WP4R

Work Package 4 (Leitung:Infai)
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Decisions about: Technical and administrative infrastructure for the metadata portal - LDM #5

Closed TBoonX closed 3 years ago

TBoonX commented 3 years ago

For this a meeting is needed.

Questions: Who will host it, Who will maintain it?

TBoonX commented 3 years ago

This was discussed in between topics, thus here the summary: For now we have one testing server hosted by IWM (indirect). Later we want to have a production server. TIB and INFAI has access and will install LDM+extensions+webservices+RDF store. They will maintain the testing server. For production the final hardware requirements and the procedures still have to be set.

TBoonX commented 3 years ago

We are also using a domain for the current deployment:

We will revise the deployment when we want to showcase demonstrators publically.