streamaserver / streama

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[Feature Request] Make the "Modal on Select" remember the position of the slider in the list #774

Open ManuGithubSteam opened 5 years ago

ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago


As i don't seem to have the right format of episodes to make bulk create work for me. (It always finds nothing..)

I would like this feature implemented:

When i add Series and they have a lot of episodes like 24 or so. I have to repeatedly click on Manage files to add the file to the episode. And then i have to scoll down to the correct position say 13 or so and add the next episode. Please make the modlet remember the scrolling position on the side.

Or even "see" if i'm on the end and scroll just one entry up so i could add the first 7 or so and the just click on the bottom one and it would know i used the one above before so i just have to klick on that position to get the right episode matched with the entry. As it scrolls up with each opening and lets me speedily add the episodes.

If you really want to kill me:

A feature who works like this:

-> But please do include the remeber slider as it seems as more complicated these thins get the easier they fail...

Well here are my three wishes :-)

Thanks for reading.

dularion commented 5 years ago

That sounds like a useful feature that I can implement. but I would also like to help you with your regex for your file matcher. What are your files named like?

ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago

Thanks! Here are some examples: I think it is pretty "standard" nameing. If you need more just ask. Thanks again :-)

dularion commented 5 years ago

hm, the vanilla regex from the application should work perfectly for most of them here actually .. see

do you have tmdb set up? it is required for the feature to work

ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago

what is tmdb ? Is it setup automatically ? I have registerd an account for the movidb api key (version 3 is accepted) and can search for series, then add them and then fetch to the series the episodes and then manually like the files to it.

I just followed the install intructions (JUST java 8 opendjk).

How would i set up tmdb ? And how does the machter work like step by step, What press first etc . THANKS :-)


Also may i suggest that the cursor will be placed in the search box automaticly when opening the modal so i can type the number of the episode :-)

dularion commented 5 years ago

if you navigate to the admin panel (not manage content, the other one) and then to settings, you can set up the tmdb API there. You need to register for an API key (cant give out mine, because they throttle the usage for each api key). It should look something like this:


ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago

This is already set up. But with the short key (v3) And it is accepted (green tick) Any other ideas why it is not workin on my install ? Thanks

dularion commented 5 years ago

hm no clue.. maybe it has something to do with v3 actually. Not sure if they use a new API there. if you like you can pm me (for example on discord) with access to your site and i can try to remote-debug. But I'll leave that up to you

ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago

Ok we can do this with teamviewer as i dont have the site out in the world. When would be a good time for you ?


Maybe im useing the bulk create the wrong way ? I create a series and then try to attach files with bulk create to that series. Is this how it should work?

dularion commented 5 years ago

it works that way, or you can not create any show and the auto-matcher creates it for you.

I can take a look now. again, hit me up on discord

ManuGithubSteam commented 5 years ago

What feedback do you need for the slider feature ? Thanks :)