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Kebab method doesn't properly kebab -ms prefix #205

Closed TheBosZ closed 5 years ago

TheBosZ commented 5 years ago

Using the prefix addon with "user-select" generates invalid CSS.

It's because the kebab method doesn't properly handle the result from inline-style-prefixer.

Here's the result from running prefixer:

    "WebkitUserSelect" : "none",
    "MozUserSelect" : "none",
    "msUserSelect" : "none",
    "userSelect" : "none"

Note that the ms version has a lower-case m. That makes the kebab return 'ms-user-select' instead of the proper '-ms-user-select'.

streamich commented 5 years ago

:tada: This issue has been resolved in version 3.3.0 :tada:

The release is available on:

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