try to start on mainnet with following error, looks like the streamingfast/aptos-core failed to load the mainnet genesis.blob file, any hint to fix the problem?
➜ firehose-aptos git:(main) ✗ ./devel/mainnet/ -c
2023-08-22T21:52:14.739+0800 INFO (fireaptos) starting Firehose on Aptos with config file 'mainnet.yaml'
2023-08-22T21:52:14.739+0800 INFO (fireaptos) launching applications: firehose,merger,reader-node,relayer
thread 'main' panicked at 'Failed to load node config file! Given file path: "/develop/aptos/firehose-aptos/devel/mainnet/firehose-data/reader/data/node.yaml". Error: BCS("genesis", Custom("invalid value: integer 94, expected variant index 0 <= i < 8"))', aptos-node/src/
note: run with RUST_BACKTRACE=1 environment variable to display a backtrace
try to start on mainnet with following error, looks like the streamingfast/aptos-core failed to load the mainnet genesis.blob file, any hint to fix the problem?