streamingfast / substreams

Powerful Blockchain streaming data engine, based on StreamingFast Firehose technology.
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Params to modules / dynamic inputs #38

Closed jubeless closed 1 year ago

jubeless commented 2 years ago

Currently Substreams do not allow the abiliy to add dynamic inputs when running a substreams. To accomodate this feature we suggest the following modification to the substreams manifest

  ethereum: substreams-ethereum-v1.0.0.spkg

  - name: mymod
    doc: """
      The params are URL-encoded key/value and deal with it. Two are supported: contract & account. They mean whatever
      - params: string
      - source: sf.ethereum.type.v1.Block

  "ethereum:othermod": override-params-optionally-copy-the-original-value-dude
  mymod: params

and the CLI could:

-p ethereum:othermod=original-value-plus-yours -p mymod=0x123123123

To be parameterizable, the params input needs to be present, and be the first input.

In the Rust module, it's a new input, decoded as a simple String (we need to tweak the substreams-rs macro to adapt to that).

The wasm runtime needs to pass the params value, like another input.

For now, we only support string as a params, and encourage people to use URL-encoding for more complex parameterization. However, a simple contract address for instance, is totally fine.

The modifications to the [substreams/v1/modules.proto]( file woud look like this:

  message Input {
    oneof input {
      Source source = 1;
      Map map = 2;
      Store store = 3;
      Params params = 4;  # This added

    message Params {  # This added
      string value = 1;

This way, there is a way for default values to be lodged when publishing a module. It's already at the right place for the runtime to consume. And it can be overridden by client code as such:

Python code to tweak params would live here and look like:

[mod for mod in pkg.modules.modules if == "store_pools"][0].inputs[0].params.value = "myvalue"
abourget commented 1 year ago

Another option is to use params as a string, the manifest be:

  - name: mymod
    doc: """
      The params are URL-encoded key/value and deal with it. Two are supported: contract & account. They mean whatever
      - params: string
        default: "default string" # Option 1
      - source: sf.ethereum.type.v1.Block
  params: "default string" # Option 2

params: # Option 3
  othermod: override-default-params-here

with support on the CLI for something like:

-p mymod=hello=world&other=var \
-p othermod=0x123123123

Second way to override params:

    url: substreams-ethereum-v1.0.0.spkg
      othermod: override-params-in-there-keep-original-if-you-want

and CLI:

-p ethereum:othermod=this-is-another-override

A third way (preferable by abourget, deniscarriere) to override params, is its own section:

  ethereum: substreams-ethereum-v1.0.0.spkg

  - name: mymod
    doc: """
      The params are URL-encoded key/value and deal with it. Two are supported: contract & account. They mean whatever
      - params: string
      - source: sf.ethereum.type.v1.Block

  "ethereum:othermod": override-params-optionally-copy-the-original-value-dude
  mymod: params

and the CLI could:

-p ethereum:othermod=original-value-plus-yours -p mymod=0x123123123
abourget commented 1 year ago

Use case with Antelope:

abourget commented 1 year ago

Second use case:

abourget commented 1 year ago

Another question, is where it lands in the protobuf model:

  message Input {
    oneof input {
      Source source = 1;
      Map map = 2;
      Store store = 3;
      Params params = 4;  # This added

    message Params {  # This added
      string value = 1;

Python code to tweak params would do:

[mod for mod in pkg.modules.modules if == "store_pools"][0].inputs[0].params.value = "myvalue"
abourget commented 1 year ago

Previous design:

Currently Substreams do not allow the abiliy to add dynamic inputs when running a substreams. To accomodate this feature we suggest the following modification to the substreams manifest


  - name: map_transfers
    kind: map
    initialBlock: 12287507
      - params: sf.substreams.v1.ListParams
        default: {"my": "default", "value": "world"} // optional, let's start without.
      - source: sf.ethereum.type.v1.Block
      type: proto:eth.erc721.v1.Transfers

A few things to note:

1) There needs to be a params as an input, and it needs to be the first one. For the time being we will only support string 2) the params key that is on the same "level" as inputs is a default value. The user running the substreams will have the abiliyt to override it via the CLI or in code while performing his GRPC request

substreams run -p -e localhost:9000 substreams.yaml map_transfer \
  -p map_transfer={"json": "representation", "of": "the 'param' type"} \
  -p other_module={"bob": "dylan"} \
  --start-block 12375267 \
  -t +1

The serialized inputs will need to be added to the modules' hash for cache purposes.

message MapParams {
  map<string,string> params = 1;
message ListParams {
  repeated string = 1;

On the command line, we could also help with the known type sf.substreams.v1.Params:

substreams run ... -p map_transfer=bob=123 -p other_module=hello=world&my=friend
substreams run ... -p map_transfer=0x123123,0x234234 -p other_module=hello=world&my=friend

the moment a --param module=HERE param HERE doesn't start with a {.