streamlinevideo / streamline

A reference system for end to end live streaming video. Capture, encode, package, uplink, origin, CDN, and player.
MIT License
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Call for developers or sponsors for streamline prime! #13

Open colleenkhenry opened 5 years ago

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

Hey streamliners

I'm currently working on architecting a streamline-prime project.

It will include...

Thats where you come in! Are you interested in contributing on the development?

I could use people well versed in AWS automation, Docker, HTTP origin configuration, HTTP caching optimization, webapp development, etc. We have hardware, FFmpeg development, and streaming video nerdery represented but could also use more of that.

I'd also be interested in any corporate sponsors that want to step up as well to see this become a reality.

Thoughts? Anybody down? Hit me up and I'll add you to our Slack.

bobh-dazn commented 5 years ago

Any possibility of DRM? WHich would in itself then require Fairplay, Widevine and PlayReady? Although most DRM licence vendors are closed, Intertrust gives you 200 test tokens when you sign up on their pay-as-you-go ExpressPlay service.

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

@bhperform I'm open to it but I think that'd be a phase 2 once the video is flowing reliably and in high quality.

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

@bhperform I also will admit to not being an expert in DRM. Maybe we should chat it over before I discount it in V1 :)

bobh-dazn commented 5 years ago

@bhperform I also will admit to not being an expert in DRM. Maybe we should chat it over before I discount it in V1 :)

Some educational material:

tchakabam commented 5 years ago

@colleenkhenry Happy to share ideas or contribute in the DRM parts. I have done some end-to-end platform integrations with the Widevine&Playready&Fairplay trio before.

Hit me up and I'll add you to our Slack.

Are you on video-dev?

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

Yes, I am in fact on video-dev. There is a streamline room! Join it and we can discuss there!

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

streamline is the channel

Murmur commented 5 years ago

Microsoft provides a free Playready Test Server. Use this script to create LAURLs

This is an example of encryptionKey+KID+LAURL. Anyone can use this key and laurl for packaging and and playready playback testing.

"key": "12341234123412341234123412341234",
"kid": "43215678123412341234123412341234",
"playready": ",sl:2000,persist:false,firstexp:60,contentkey:EjQSNBI0EjQSNBI0EjQSNA==)"

Then we have ClearKeyDRM (Chrome/Firefox+dashjs+laurl ok. IE11 does not support it). Use this script for clearkeydrm license server See this dashjs clearkey example.

I don't know a fully free Widevine test server available, wish Google provided one.

ps What is this Slack server you talk about? Can I have access to it?

rosswilson commented 5 years ago

Iโ€™m super interested in helping with this. I can offer AWS skills and video streaming experience.

How can I help?

colleenkhenry commented 5 years ago

Are you on on the video-dev slack? Join #streamline and we can chat :D!