streamlink / streamlink-twitch-gui

A multi platform browser for Streamlink
MIT License
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Invalid client id specified #490

Closed pquerner closed 7 years ago

pquerner commented 7 years ago

As of today I receive this error whenever I start the program. Neither am I logged in anylonger and the URL yields this error:

{"error":"Bad Request","status":400,"message":"No client id specified"}


Version: 1.3.1 on Ubuntu x64 16.04

arthur4ires commented 7 years ago

I noticed the same error here, probably the twitch removes the key from the client because it does not display the ad in the videos: Url: Code: '{"error":"Bad Request","status":400,"message":"No client id specified"}'

bastimeyer commented 7 years ago

I immediately checked the API responses when I saw this thread and the servers returned a 400 (request error). But now they are returning 500 (a server error).

Streamlink Twitch GUI correctly sets the client-id header since 191c9dc147ae53227e483db18902dc1f7227c1a2 (v0.14.0), as you can see here:

More info here:

This looks like an issue on their end, but let's wait and see...

pquerner commented 7 years ago

Now (periodically) yields

{"error":"Internal Server Error","status":500,"message":"Internal Server Error"}

(HTTP 500)

Looks like a Twitch error.

FYI you can view streams. Logs will be full with "bad client" but sometimes a request works and the stream starts. So their API is not entirely unusable.

Kiwical commented 7 years ago

Also wont even load its just white for me. I did manage to load in games using the gui but clicking on the thumbnail resulted in python script error saying i had to reinstall gui.

@bastimeyer yeah my bad for some reason the player had changed to Livestreamer not Not Livestreamer (standalone) changed it back and it runs now

bastimeyer commented 7 years ago

The /kraken/streams/followed endpoint is still working fine as it seems:

curl -s \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json" \
  -H "Client-ID: phiay4sq36lfv9zu7cbqwz2ndnesfd8" \
  -H "Authorization: OAuth ***YOUR OAUTH TOKEN HERE***" \

but the /kraken/ endpoint is returning a 500, which is required for validating the cached oauth token at the application launch:

curl -s \
  -H "Accept: application/vnd.twitchtv.v5+json" \
  -H "Client-ID: phiay4sq36lfv9zu7cbqwz2ndnesfd8" \
  -H "Authorization: OAuth ***YOUR OAUTH TOKEN HERE***" \

Let's all chill and wait for Twitch to resolve their server issues... 😴

@Kiwical, no, you don't have to reinstall anything here... and the Twitch GUI is not based on Python either

pquerner commented 7 years ago

@bastimeyer So shall this issue be closed as its no issue with the app?

bastimeyer commented 7 years ago

Let's keep this open, so we don't get unnecessary duplicates 😄

bastimeyer commented 7 years ago

I'm closing the thread... The Twitch API seems to be working again.