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Change page title & favicon after first st call #2216

Open stonier opened 4 years ago

stonier commented 4 years ago


Would like to configure the page title at some point after the first streamlit call (i.e. not known up-front what it might be, depends on interactive or URL query params).


MVP: Smallest possible step has already been implemented,

Possible additions:

Preferred solution: Additional methods that enable re-configuration of the page title and favicon from anywhere in a streamlit app. e.g. something like:

def main():
        page_title="Nightly Statistics",  # default page title
        initial_sidebar_state="auto"  # "expanded", "collapsed"
    # some other streamlit code
    selected_view = st.sidebar.selectbox(
        label="Choose View",
        options=["Nightly Trends", "Nightly Failures", "Quarantine"],

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If you'd like the Streamlit team to prioritize this feature request, please use the 👍 (thumbs up emoji) reaction in response to the initial post.

akrolsmir commented 4 years ago

Hi! Just wanted to say that as the one who implemented set_page_config for title and favicon, I'm also in favor of being able to mutate the page title & favicon later. To help motivate this, use cases (like the one you've already added) are super helpful in convincing the Product team that this is a good idea, so thank you!

MathCatsAnd commented 1 year ago

This works for me:

import streamlit as st

if 'bam!' not in st.session_state:
    st.set_page_config('A boring Title')
    st.set_page_config(st.session_state.title, st.session_state.icon)

def bam():
    st.session_state['bam!'] = True
    st.session_state.title = st.session_state.title_input
    st.session_state.icon = st.session_state.icon_input

st.text_input('Page Title', key='title_input')
st.selectbox('Page Icon',[':cake:',':bird:',':cat:',':dog:'], key='icon_input')

st.button('Bam!', on_click=bam)


adumont commented 1 year ago

That's an elegant way, works for me! Thanks.