GetBatch doesn't print offset range correctly because it is not a case class
2023-08-11T22:57:20.8908016Z stream execution thread for [id = 71ece58b-2fbe-4937-b4ef-d6bfa68aa396, runId = b6efacc4-df39-45b4-958c-e63e13698840]: GetBatch generating RDD of offset range: org.apache.spark.sql.pulsar.PulsarOffsetRange@53a7eb97
Make offset range a case class so that it can be printed correctly.
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GetBatch doesn't print offset range correctly because it is not a case class
2023-08-11T22:57:20.8908016Z stream execution thread for [id = 71ece58b-2fbe-4937-b4ef-d6bfa68aa396, runId = b6efacc4-df39-45b4-958c-e63e13698840]: GetBatch generating RDD of offset range: org.apache.spark.sql.pulsar.PulsarOffsetRange@53a7eb97
Make offset range a case class so that it can be printed correctly.
Verifying this change
(Please pick either of the following options)
[x] This change is a trivial rework / code cleanup without any test coverage.
[ ] This change is already covered by existing tests, such as:
[ ] This change added tests and can be verified as follows:
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Need to update docs?