street-address-rb / street-address

Detect, and dissect, US Street Addresses in strings.
MIT License
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In rails engine: `require': cannot load such file -- street_address (LoadError) #34

Open futbolpal opened 8 years ago

futbolpal commented 8 years ago


I'm trying to make this a dependency in a Rails Engine. Has anyone tried this? I can't figure out how to get a model within the engine that requires StreetAddress to work. I've tried putting "require 'street_address'" in engine.rb, railtie.rb application.rb within the engine.


Thanks all! Jonathan

SagareGanesh commented 8 years ago

Hi @futbolpal I have used this dependency in Rails. And Its working correctly. See example.

2.1.0 :001 > User.last.street_address => #<StreetAddress::US::Address:0x00000008036e40 @number="1600", @street="Pennsylvania", @street_type="Ave", @unit=nil, @unit_prefix=nil, @suffix=nil, @prefix=nil, @city="Washington", @state="DC", @postal_code="20500", @postal_code_ext=nil>

please provide explanation of what you exactly want in your model, so it will helpful for find out solution. Thanks.