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New Quest: Artwork Type #2125

Open pkoby opened 4 years ago

pkoby commented 4 years ago


Affected tag(s) to be modified/added: artwork_type=* Question asked: What type of artwork is this?

I have been adding artwork information to the map because I thought my region was starved for public art. It turns out there's a lot, but a lot of information is missing from OSM. Many pieces (not just in my area) are tagged solely with tourism=artwork and no more. At the bare minimum, I think adding what type of art it is would be nice, although adding name and artist tags could be good too (the one could be added to the name quest?).


Checklist for quest suggestions (see guidelines):

Ideas for implementation

Element selection:

out body;
out skel qt;

It might not be necessary to ask about relations, but nodes and ways are clear enough to answer.

Metadata needed: None? Some artwork types from the wiki are probably very regional, but I would think limiting to the most-used options would eliminate this concern (e.g the Spanish/Portuguese artwork_type=azulejo is only used 8 times).

Proposed GUI:

I think it should be along the lines of the surface quest, with square images with a short label on top of them. Most of the images from the wiki are decent representations, but some might be vague, such as Installation or Mural vs. Painting.

What type of artwork is this? Select the best option


Statue (person or animal)

Mural (wall/ceiling artwork)








Land Art?

Note: Re: Mosaic/Tilework, =mosaic is far more common, but the wiki mentions =tilework...

westnordost commented 4 years ago

I see you already looked for some fitting pictures, thanks for this! Could you also supply the link for your picture suggestions? Though I think for most of your suggestions, a better picture could be found.

Generally, the pictures should show examples of artwork outside and a little bit in the context of their surroundings (like the pics for statue, stone, installation), because this is what users will see and be asked for. Some more comments for particular pictures:

pkoby commented 4 years ago

The pictures are all just the examples from I will try to spend some time finding some open-licensed examples or try to take some photos myself. I agree that they should be outside.

I was thinking last night about mosaic/tilework, and the more commonly tagged =mosaic is probably not the same thing as =tilework. I would probably leave tilework out and get a good photo of a mosaic.

Installations are interesting and somewhat confusing. I think they may sometimes incorporate sculptural elements, but that doesn't make them a sculpture. I'll look into this.

Sequynth commented 4 years ago

What kind of creative commons licenses are compatible with SC?

westnordost commented 4 years ago

CC-BY, CC-BY-SA and CC-0 are preferred

pkoby commented 3 years ago

I've been collecting photos of local artwork, but many of them aren't great exemplars of their category. I'm looking for art that is actually decent, too, not just some local piece in a cultural desert. Ideally, I think the photo should have a neutral (natural) background, too, and a lot of art around here is in a busy environment.

Here's one I took of an artwork_type=sculpture: I think it would remain clear in a small 1:1 ratio photo too. (I can send you the original, as well, to edit as necessary.)

For the other categories, I know of a few local murals that are decent, as well as some possible busts and statues. The rest I do not think I can fill with local art. I welcome other contributors to add examples, and I do plan to look for CC-licensed photos of the other options.

One other thing: I think that there should be an option in text form for other options, notably to say that the artwork is of a different type, and also to say the artwork is no longer there (which would delete? or just add a note?).

forteller commented 3 years ago

I like this suggestion! And I've been thinking for a long time about creating a suggestion for a quest for the name of statues/artwork (when they have a plaque with a name), but I've been unsure if this would be of interest to anyone else. Just asking here if you think I should create a new issue with this quest suggestion? :)

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

I copied your comment and responded at

Sequynth commented 3 years ago

I made a small collection of images that should all comply with the specified licences. Showing only one image per categrory to the user might not be sufficient, as some categories (graffiti/mural, sculpture/installation) are very similar or can show many different things (statue: humans AND animals). I did no look for 'painting' as this would make the distinction between mural and graffiti even worse and I cant think of an outdoor 'painting' that isnt more like a graffiti or mural...

Please feel free to contribute:











pkoby commented 3 years ago

These all look great! Thanks for taking the time to collect all of these images. I looked through them all, and I don't see any issues with any of them being confusing or misleading. That said, of course, the difference between mural and graffiti is vague and confusing on its own... Good call on not including 'painting', because it adds to the ambiguity.

Quick thought: For the UI, it would be great to have a number of options that fit into the grid perfectly (in my opinion). You've found examples for 10 options. Would it be feasible to get it to 9? Based on TagInfo, 'relief' is the least-used of the 10 ('painting' excluded).

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

Is this data used already? Personally, I am far more motivated to select for implementation parts adding data used already (even if it is tiny project)

pkoby commented 3 years ago

I have been working on a project of my own that finds these points, hence my interest in starting this quest. I'm hosting it on my personal webspace at the moment, so for privacy reasons I'd like to avoid sharing it here. Hopefully when I get it looking a little nicer, I can host it somewhere more public.

Other than my selfish work, I don't know of anything pulling these tags (and I've browsed a lot).

As for artwork tags, though, maybe the name quest could include art without a name yet? That would be visible on many maps. (I can open a new issue for this if needed.)

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

As for artwork tags, though, maybe the name quest could include art without a name yet? That would be visible on many maps. (I can open a new issue for this if needed.)

Depends on how often artworks have unsurveyable names. I know many minor scultptures across my city with no clear name (not well known, not signed) - for example Is it useful to tag name:signed=no for all such objects?

pyrog commented 2 years ago

Could you publish this quest without names?

matkoniecz commented 2 years ago

Requiring or not names is a tweak that can be decided at the end (and changed after release)

bannurowi commented 2 years ago

As someone who's also interested in mapping public art, I strongly support this!

I also think it might be helpful to include "This is a memorial" as an option in the "other answers" menu on this quest, which would remove tourism=artwork from the object and apply historic=memorial instead. Maybe with a confirmation popup that clarifies that a memorial specifically remembers a person/place/event, similar to what's on the wiki:

pkoby commented 2 years ago

I don't see anything on the wiki about this, but I've sometimes tagged memorials with tourism=artwork as well, because I struggle to see the distinction sometimes. I suppose if it has e.g. a memorial plaque, that's certainly a memorial, but is it not also art?

I've seen nothing dissuading concurrent tagging like this, so I'm not sure that removing the tourism=artwork tag would be necessary/accurate.

bannurowi commented 2 years ago

Fair enough! According to taginfo, there is some overlap, with roughly 3-4% of both tourism=artwork and artwork_type=statue also having historic=memorial.

That said, there is this statement on the page for statue specifically:

For a statue representing and commemorating a historical person use memorial=statue.

But while I interpret that to mean "use instead" of the artwork tags, that's not explicit. And the discussion page is people wondering exactly that same thing.

Where I am, the (slightly) more common situation I notice is for objects that are obviously memorials to be tagged only as artwork. So I would still like to eventually see an option to add historic=memorial in the menu, whether or not that option would directly impact tourism=artwork and artwork_type=*. But I think that latter point might need more discussion, and I wouldn't want it to hold up potentially implementing this great suggestion.

mnalis commented 4 months ago

Just to note SCEE (StreetComplete "Expert Edition" fork) implements this quest, but just in spartan form with names without pictures.

Might be useful as a base for StreetComplete Quest, if someone is patient to sort, resize and trim those pictures... (or if someone is to impatient waiting for this quest; and wants to map those details right now)


westnordost commented 4 months ago

If the pictures don't add extra value, i.e. the answer options can be understood by name just as well, I am generally fine with text-only answer options like that as well, by the way.

Some options may actually need an explanation in the same manner as some building options may need an explanation, although a picture might not provide such explanation.

In any case, the extra value provided by an image or icon is faster and easier recognition

matkoniecz commented 4 months ago

statue / bust / sculpture and relief may benefit from images

the same for graffiti / mural distinction

peternewman commented 4 months ago

And land art needs at least a description:

Plus probably an other answer of geoglyph: