streetcomplete / StreetComplete

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New quest - can you overtake on this road? #2492

Closed Atrate closed 3 years ago

Atrate commented 3 years ago


Affected tag(s) to be modified/added: Key:overtaking Question asked: Is is possible to overtake on this road?


Checklist for quest suggestions (see guidelines):

Ideas for implementation

Element selection: Probably all highways smaller than trunks/primaries but larger than service/residential.

Metadata needed: There may be countries where overtaking is always legal. Asking about overtaking would also most probably only make sense in the case of roads with marked lanes where lanes = 2.

Proposed GUI: A GUI similar to the sidewalk UI could be used, where the user selects the kind of markings for forward and backward lanes. Alternatively, it could just be a question with "yes, no, no markings, yes for forward, yes for backward" answers.

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

Is this tag used anywhere or even potentially usable (except "hyperdetailed 3D renders from OSM data")? Even AB Street is not getting close to using it.

westnordost commented 3 years ago


πŸ’€ Not an overwhelming percentage of elements have the same answer (No spam)

Atrate commented 3 years ago


zzz Not an overwhelming percentage of elements have the same answer (No spam)

At least where I live it varies between "yes" and "no" pretty equally.

Is this tag used anywhere or even potentially usable (except "hyperdetailed 3D renders from OSM data")? Even AB Street is not getting close to using it.

Wouldn't be surprised if routers gave it a very, very small weight when the tag gets more popular. Now that you mention it, AB street may actually try to use it creatively.

westnordost commented 3 years ago

Wouldn't be surprised if routers gave it a very, very small weight when the tag gets more popular. Now that you mention it, AB street may actually try to use it creatively.

Well, ABstreet is mostly about city planning while no-overtaking restrictions are usually to be found on country roads in my experience, so it is not that relevant for ABstreet.

I'd say it is relevant for navigation apps that would display the appropriate sign when on that section of road.

However, the spam problem and the useful purpose aside for a moment, could you link a google maps location where such a overtaking restriction would be in place?

Atrate commented 3 years ago

could you link a google maps location where such a overtaking restriction would be in place?

Do you mean just provide a street that has overtaking restrictions? I thought they were quite common but here's one:,20.1923962,3a,75y,324.1h,67.02t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sEzc7sUXSsPj4jdQcxsvc_g!2e0!7i13312!8i6656

I think such places would be much more common near intersections

westnordost commented 3 years ago

Interesting, I would have expected that there is a sign. But the other thing I expected is there - the continuous (double) line. So it is the same as in Germany.

I think then it is much more efficient and precise to record this data from satellite imagery at home. (That's one point in the quest guidelines too)

Atrate commented 3 years ago

I guess we gotta wait for better quality aerial to become available :/

naposm commented 3 years ago

In Italy we have this sign for cars and this one for trucks / hgvs:

They are useful when roads have no lane markings (in rural areas or small towns).

westnordost commented 3 years ago

I guess we gotta wait for better quality aerial to become available :/

Okay, bad aerial coverage would be an argument in favour of this quest in StreetComplete - after all, I also implemented the lanes quest. However, the other issue would be the spam problem, which is why I don't see this quest right now for StreetComplete.

naposm commented 3 years ago

However, the other issue would be the spam problem, which is why I don't see this quest right now for StreetComplete.

How about asking this only for tertiary and residential roads which are not oneway and have 2 lanes (so 1 lane each way) or without lane markings(of course this should be asked after the lanes quest and the oneway one if applicable). This would reduce spam by a lot. Also, this information could later be used for other future quests [I propose (informally as an idea) hgv allowed streets, but I think there are better uses for sure]).

westnordost commented 3 years ago

Plus exclude roads in built-up areas. Yeah. But there is yet another problem, related to "less efficient than doing it with aerial imagery": It is very unlikely that the section for which the prohibition for overtaking applies is already split up correctly when a user with StreetComplete arrives. So he'd have to split it up first. Since this is on the country-side, it is likely that he is a passenger in a car/bus and that he may not have the best internet connection. So it will possibly be quite challenging to do the splitting correctly/accurately, plus he likely needs to return to the same location later to do the actual answer for the split up paths because of the way the splitting works technically.