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Asking the colour of buildings. #2694

Closed Mbodin closed 3 years ago

Mbodin commented 3 years ago


Affected tag(s) to be added: building:colour (and roof:colour in a similar but separate quest) Example of items with these tags: and

The colour of buildings and roofs is mainly used in 3D renderings like OSMBuildings—it could also in theory be used for 2D maps, but I haven’t seen any using these tags. Some neighbourhoods are famous for their colourful houses, and such a quest can help noticing them in maps. It can also be useful to help spreading the use of OSM: one feedback I often get when sharing OSMBuildings links to non-OSM people is that its buildings are colorless. It could also be helpful when planning walks to choose colourful streets, which are not always known. Finally, colours might be useful as they provide additional reference points (e.g., “let’s meet next to the red building on this street”).


Checklist for quest suggestions (see guidelines):

Ideas for implementation

Element selection: As this key is currently mainly used by 3D renderer, I suggest only asking for buildings with a number of levels already referenced.

For roof:colour, I suggest selecting all building with a roof:shape key already filled in, filtering out high buildings and flat roofs.

These selections would also have the advantage that these building quests would be late, thus focussing first on the important properties of buildings (building type and number of levels) before more aesthetic properties (like roof shape and building colours—although roof shape has non-aesthetic applications).

Ideas for the GUI: The wiki for roof:colour suggests a limited amount of values which I think is usually enough for most cases, and can fit quite easily on a StreetComplete quest.

The key building:colour is trickier as the wiki suggests either to use hexadecimal colours (with far too many options), or a very limited set of colours. This limited set of colour doesn’t have common values like orange, for instance, and I find it quite limiting (orange is a common choice in my city).

An possible approach would be to only suggest the 16 basic colour names as a choice. An other approach would be to use the user’s camera. For instance by displaying a rectangle whose colour is the one of the pixel in the middle of what its camera is looking at—or the average colour of the given picture—, and asking the user to press a button when the colour fits. I don’t know how difficult such a camera-based colour picker would be to implement.

matkoniecz commented 3 years ago

See or more specifically and

Mbodin commented 3 years ago

Oh, sorry, I missed this other quest suggestion.

I disagree with the unimportantness of this information, but I fully agree with the issue with corner cases.