streetcomplete / StreetComplete

Easy to use OpenStreetMap editor for Android
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new shops without icon are not displayed in Shop Overlay #4519

Closed Strubbl closed 1 year ago

Strubbl commented 1 year ago

How to Reproduce add a new show with the shop overlay. Select a shop, which has no icon assigned, e.g. "Feinkostladen" (is the tag for that shop=deli?). Accept this new shop without giving it a name. Now you cannot see it on the map and thus cannot select it anymore in order to add a name.

Expected Behavior I can see the shop on the map and can select it.

Versions affected 48.0-beta1

Workaround I used the undo function to remove the shop and add it correctly again.

mnalis commented 1 year ago

I can confirm that. It seems that shop=deli ("Delicatessen") does note have an icon, so it might be why problems arise there and not with other shops (there might be other shops without icons though - and thus also problematic).

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Helium314 commented 1 year ago

Interestingly there is no name quest for shop=deli, which means that must return false... even though we just selected this feature by its name.

Edit: Forget it, name quest is hidden by the overlay

westnordost commented 1 year ago

Some icons used in the iD presets are missing from the public repository where the icons come from. The repositories are

In this case, the icon name is fas-jar. It is missing from .

Run gradle downloadAndConvertPresetIcons to see which icons cannot be downloaded.

westnordost commented 1 year ago

And if I change it to (because that is the default branch now), the following icons are not found.

fas-beer not found
fas-tshirt not found
fas-swimmer not found
fas-medkit not found
fas-table-tennis not found
fas-cocktail not found
fas-weight not found
fas-store-alt-slash not found
fas-tools not found
fas-phone-alt not found
fas-archive not found
fas-space-shuttle not found
fas-running not found
fas-balance-scale not found
fas-snowboarding not found
fas-apple-alt not found
fas-people-carry not found
fas-vote-yea not found
fas-hiking not found
fas-hospital-alt not found
fas-tram not found
fas-tint not found
fas-map-signs not found
fas-cut not found
fas-skiing not found
fas-shopping-basket not found
fas-ambulance not found
fas-concierge-bell not found
fas-thermometer-three-quarters not found
fas-truck-loading not found
fas-shopping-cart not found
fas-drafting-compass not found
fas-car-crash not found
fas-skating not found
fas-chevron-circle-up not found
fas-ticket-alt not found
fas-trash-restore not found
fas-procedures not found
fas-burn not found
fas-directions not found
fas-th not found
fas-volume-up not found
fas-tachometer-alt not found
fas-compress-arrows-alt not found
fas-user-alt not found
fas-skiing-nordic not found
fas-mobile-alt not found
fas-house-damage not found
fas-biking not found
fas-mail-bulk not found
fas-swimming-pool not found

So, ... don't know what's up with that...

westnordost commented 1 year ago

I've added a "fallback url" for font awesome, so the downloader first tries the 6.x branch because I suppose these are the most current ones, then falls back to the master branch

matkoniecz commented 1 year ago

I opened and

Strubbl commented 1 year ago

Maybe i did not understand the solution yet. In SC, don't we want a fallback or default icon for amenitys/shops, which do not have an icon? This way newly added amenitys/shops would at least get displayed in the shop overlay. My expectation is, that in future there is always a new kind of shop, which has no icon (yet).

westnordost commented 1 year ago

In StreetComplete, it's solved now

tyrasd commented 1 year ago

And if I change it to [v6] the following icons are not found.

Well, fontawesome has a concept of aliases (many were introduced to maintain backwards compatibility when icons were refined over time). It makes it a little bit harder to consume the icons if you can't use the js library they officially provide, unfortunately. I guess an alternative approach to including old major versions in a fallback chain would be to consume the "raw" data (e.g. and parse the aliases manually.

PS: I will pay attention to in the future to include higher requirements of icon library versions in the changelog of the id-tagging-schema.