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Multiplatform config file parsing #5415

Closed westnordost closed 3 months ago

westnordost commented 9 months ago

In various places, the app loads and parses some simple YAML files for configuration:

keep YAML

Currently, com.charleskorn.kaml is used which is a plugin for kotlinx-serialization, however, no native targets are supported currently and noone is working on it at the time of writing (see

Another kotlin multiplatform yaml plugin exists, net.mamoe.yamlkt, but according to the readme, it is (still) in alpha state. Multiline strings, which are currently used in changelog.yml, are "partially supported" since v0.13.0, not sure if this means whether the way multiline strings are used in this project is supported. (changelog.yml could be changed to be a pure HTML file, though, or one file for every version.)

If none of these libraries have proper multiplatform native support at the time this ticket is tackled, the task is to convert the listed files to another config file format like JSON or TOML and parse them as these files instead.

Some of these files are generated automatically, such as credits_contributors.yml, so some build scripts need to be adapted, too. Below some notes regarding each:

convert to TOML

convert to JSON

In general, at the time of writing, I think the best way forward is to simply exchange kaml with yamlkt and if this does not work, don't bother with TOML because implementation is equally "alpha" than the YAML plugins but use JSON for everything.

matkoniecz commented 9 months ago

convert to JSON

it may be minor thing, but lack of trailing commas is also highly irritating (one more trap, less clear diffs)

  • no comments possible. So, explanatory comments / docs cannot be included in these files

no proper comment support, but can be done with embedding comment field in data structure and similar hacks if really needed

HolgerJeromin commented 9 months ago

You could use json5 ( which is supported

This is "JSON5 – JSON for Humans" and allows single trailing comma and comments and other useful stuff.

Peanuuutz commented 8 months ago

the above is only marginally smaller (250KB) as net.mamoe.yamlkt (261KB)...

This is because:

  1. tomlkt has way more side features than just being a plugin for kotlinx.serialization, especially TomlElement part, which we strive to provide more friendly DX than other implementations, and this takes a large proportion of the package size. We could, however, save some space by reducing unnecessary abstraction within internal.
  2. yamlkt is not completely done on its own yet, meaning it could be more than that.

Despite tomlkt has less stars than ktoml, it solves all the issues listed in ktoml, which we could say it's more mature and ready for production (actually, in the benchmark directory, we've tested decoding large cargo files from rust community, and only tomlkt succeed when the file is fully as is, compared to ktoml, toml4j, tomlj, night-config, and the speed is good enough). We consider the main part of tomlkt is complete, so feel free to open issues if found any bug or needed some specific features. We're fully devoted on it.

orchestr7 commented 8 months ago

Do not think about selecting between different formats: JSON, TOML or YAML, just use Kotlinx.serialization and plugin-in particular serializer based on personal preferences 😄

westnordost commented 3 months ago

kaml will be fully multiplatform in its next release.