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Use `note` tag "to inform mappers about non-obvious information about an element" #5794

Open lgommans opened 1 month ago

lgommans commented 1 month ago

Use case

I was approached by someone who got frustrated that one of his favorite shops was deleted twice now by people using StreetComplete. The problem is caused by the shop looking like a disused/vacant place outside of opening hours, and the opening hours aren't even fixed: they open at 6 in the morning and close when they're sold out, usually just after lunch time.

Normally, the note tag can be used to signal to other mappers that there is something special about the object, per the wiki:

The tag note=* is used:

  • to document a general note about an object and
  • as a prefix, e.g. in note:access=*, to document why something has a specific access=* value.

[...] a note is generally used on nodes/ways/relations to describe real-world things like "the busstop is actually here but the signpost was knocked down in september 2009"

StreetComplete does not show this extra information to mappers who are editing the object.

Proposed Solution

The simplest workaround would be to hide places with notes from the quest system, but I can't say that I would be a fan of this.

The best solution seems to me to display notes to the user somehow, before or while answering the quest. To avoid cluttering a bunch of quest UIs, before is probably the better option. It could show:

This object has the following note attached: [...]
Continue Hide quest Close

(Where the close button just goes back to the map view.)

A middle ground would be to check for the presence of the note tag, and give the user a link to click so they can decide if they want to continue or not. For example, after answering a quest:

This place has a note, please review it here: Do you still want to apply this change?
Apply Cancel

Or before:

This place has a note, please review it here: Do you still want to answer this quest?
Continue Cancel

Further features might include letting the user move the note to the description tag if it describes the object rather than containing information relevant for mappers (example), preventing others from being shown the prompt unnecessarily, but that can be a later step. I would prioritise having some warning (just that a note exists is already enough for me) sooner rather than later, so I can prevent myself from making such a mistake again

matkoniecz commented 1 month ago

The problem is caused by the shop looking like a disused/vacant place outside of opening hours, and the opening hours aren't even fixed

is it street vendor that pick up/closes its stall outside opening hours?

something like food truck that is simply not there outside its operating time? Or person who stands and sells stuff and leaves location when not selling things?

can you give a photo how it looks during opening hours and outside opening hours?

was deleted twice now by people using StreetComplete

what kind of quests were asked there? was it the same person or two different one? can you link this OSM element?

lgommans commented 1 month ago

Hi Mateusz, it is a normal store in a building, but it gets boarded up when they're not open and no visible sign of an existing shop remains (also no business name on the mailbox, for example). Here is a picture while they are open, sent to me by the person who restored the shop: I do not have a picture of the closed situation, as I did not think to take one while I was there. My visit was during the day though, so I would imagine that if the fridge with drinks had been visible while they're closed, I'd have noticed that it's stocked.

what kind of quests were asked there? was it the same person or two different one? can you link this OSM element?

The quest being asked was whether there is indoor or outdoor seating. Link to object:, changeset in which I removed it erroneously: I don't know who removed it last time, but it was not me so it was two different persons (as the Dutch saying goes: a donkey does not hit himself twice on the same stone... usually said when someone does make the same mistake twice :D)

matkoniecz commented 1 month ago

I hoped that would be applicable, but here it would be mistagging....

Though adding outdoor_seating with proper value will at least shut up quest that resulted in deletion... (from photo it looks like outdoor_seating=no but it is not fully certain)

kmpoppe commented 1 month ago

I think this is a solid proposal. OsmAnd has a very intrusive way of displaying notes and fixmes, that's not a good example IMHO, but displaying a message in the edit screen that there is a note or a fixme sounds clever!

lgommans commented 1 month ago

Thanks @kmpoppe!

@matkoniecz Sure we can solve it for this particular one, but even once all the quests are solved, it will (or should) probably ask at some point if it's still there. Showing notes might solve it for the general case where an object has special circumstances to take into account. I guess another alternative could be to warn people when they tag something as nonexistent outside of its opening hours, but heeding the note field seems much more versatile

matkoniecz commented 1 month ago

Sure we can solve it for this particular one, but even once all the quests are solved, it will (or should) probably ask at some point if it's still there.

Yes, that is more of a temporary solution.

kjonosm commented 1 month ago

For a current example, see also

mnalis commented 1 month ago

TL;DR: I think displaying note (if existing) if probably the best solution. See mockup below.

As an another example hitting me recently, there is (currently deleted) bakery in the middle of this picture between "tobacco" shop on the right and ferry ticket sales on the left, currently behind rolled-down brown yellow planks.

To make things worse, it is open only during several months of tourist season, and even then only in the morning hours, which makes it quite likely it will get deleted again after it is re-added.

I absolutely agree that something should be done about it.

While skipping all quests on elements that have note=* field is indeed too heavy, I initially though of maybe just disabling Uh... / It does not exist... answer on elements having note, thus forcing the user to leave a note.

But even that might be too heavy-handed, resulting in a lots of notes (there are over 3.9 million notes on objects!), but, more importantly (as noted above), it does not solve the issue of Is this still here? quest.

So I do think that displaying the note to the user and letting them make an informed decision would probably be the best.

E.g. something like this mockup (I'd even prefer second one, to make it stand out, making it less likely to be ignored): small_SC_show_note_mockup small_SC_show_note_mockup2

westnordost commented 1 month ago

Hmm, how about the note is only displayed when the user selects that it doesn't exist? For example as a dialog that is shown before the "What's here now instead?" dialog.

osmuser63783 commented 1 month ago

It would be helpful to show a note in the "Is this still here?" quest, but also the opening_hours, if mapped, or even to only show the quest during opening hours. (I know quite a few shops where it's impossible to tell when the shutters are down.)

(This could be either directly under "Is this still here?" or in the "What 's here now instead?" dialog, if the user selects it's vacant, as a sort of "Are you sure.." )

westnordost commented 1 month ago

The opening hours quest is usually always asked before the "Is this still here?" quest.

westnordost commented 1 month ago

So, anyway, we have two options. Either

Which way makes more sense depends on what's usually written in those notes. The former makes more sense if we want to guard against people deleting a place because it appears closed. The latter makes more sense if a note is expected to modify the user's answer in other cases, too.

mnalis commented 1 month ago

I'd personally probably prefer always showing the note, as it provides more utility for (I guess) about the same amount of work.

And I guess it would not be too intrusive (e.g. out of 6.2 million shops, only some 32k have notes - which is 0.51%)

But I'm also fine if people prefer only showing note when trying to remove shop too. And it would probably work better for people who don't usually read what is on the screen unless it interrupts their flow - which might be a lot of them.

kmpoppe commented 1 month ago

I'm with @mnalis there.

From the wiki for note=*: "A note is used to inform other mappers about non-obvious information about an element"[•••]

I'd argue that a SC surveyor is only able to observe the obvious information without involving a third party (i.e. questioning a person walking by), so providing those non-obvious information whereever possible and sensible would be my preferred way of doing it.

lgommans commented 2 weeks ago

I just noticed that, in 2023, someone on the forum was already saying

existence of note key might be checked programmatically by some editors like StreetComplete and potentially damaging quests might be skipped if it exists

So: tagging schemes have been put on the wiki with this in mind, while it's not yet a thing :o

kmpoppe commented 1 week ago

I implemented a possible solution, see the linked PR. Notes are only shown for some quests that I thought might benefit greatly from such information.