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A better way to close or suspend a location is needed #66

Open doobneek1 opened 2 months ago

doobneek1 commented 2 months ago

I would like to have an explicit checkbox that, if clicked, would suspend the service or location (without altering the hours previously inputted). I would also like the ability to schedule the service's disappearance or reappearance at a scheduled time. Let's say we have a location with one service open 9-5 Mo-Fri. Now, if we close it, we can set a custom message, but then all services in the pin will lose the schedule they had and will be suspended. When we click on it on the back end, the first question is to ask if it is open or closed.


A specialist, not knowing if it is opened or closed, can click "YES, IT'S OPEN" to edit the details of the org (of course, they can delete the "isClosed" part of the link to bypass it and edit a closed location). If they want to close it again the previous closure notice is deleted, however if they want to reopen it, they will have to input new hours and reopen all services individually.


Previously, specialists had no way to completely hide a location if it had a service with closed, 24/7, or a specific schedule (if during the creation of the service the schedule field was altered in any way), however, we agreed to hide a pin that has been closed for more than six months and there is no incorrect data online suggesting to users it is open. So specialists could delete all services of the location to completely hide it from the front end. It would still be searchable and remain on the map on the Gogetta /team.

Now, if we do this, the location disappears from the /team map and will become unsearchable on /team, almost like we now have a way to delete it completely.

I would like to see that the pin (location) is closed on the map and in the search without having to click on it and don't need to asked whether it is closed or not each time I need to edit it.

There are instances we would want to schedule changes to a location: e.g.

doobneek1 commented 2 months ago

The same would be ideal for moving locations; we have many services for mobile vans, pop-up events, and so forth, and we would want to schedule changes to the addresses, pin locations, descriptions, or the services for the pins representing the everchanging mobile medical van, for example. The locations without any services are not deleted but are completely hidden from the back and front end. For example, here is the AFC location that disappeared.