streetpea / chiaki4deck

Fork of Chiaki (Open Source Playstation Remote Play) with Enhancements for Steam Deck and Documentation around how to use
GNU Affero General Public License v3.0
914 stars 56 forks source link

[BUG]the app doesn’t open #349

Closed feras54 closed 1 month ago

feras54 commented 1 month ago

Describe the bug A clear and concise description of what the bug is. App doesn’t even open, first I downloaded 1.7 version and at the beginning was working perfectly fine I closed then when I tried to open it for the second time it doesn’t even open I deleted it and downloaded 1.7.1 version it’s the same issue but the time it doesn’t open even from the first time

Debug Log Please attach a log with verbose logging enabled. Sorry I don’t even know what that is I tried to google it nothing clear if can someone show me how to do it please

Desktop (please complete the following information):

Additional context Add any other context about the problem here.

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 this issue is blank

feras54 commented 1 month ago

Sorry I just update it

streetpea commented 1 month ago

If you have a vulkan, OpenCL compatibility pack you may need to uninstall it (see Can you download debug view and run it and see if anything comes up when you try to open chiaki4deck?

xconverge commented 1 month ago

Same problem here, tried multiple versions as well

Nvidia driver 555.85 Nvidia 2060 super Win 11

[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized libplacebo v6.338.2 (API v338)
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 11.326 ms enumerating instance extensions
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan instance with extensions:
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_win32_surface
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_surface
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Failed creating instance: VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
[16020] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Failed initializing vulkan instance

I then INSTALLED the opencl/opengl/vulkan compatibility pack and get this

[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized libplacebo v6.338.2 (API v338)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 22.719 ms enumerating instance extensions
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan instance with extensions:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_surface
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_win32_surface
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_surface
[11704] D3D Error 887e0003: (9636@87806328) at 00007FF9B3CFA206 - D3D12SDKVersion from D3D12Core != requested D3D12SDKVersion. 
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Probing for vulkan devices:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 114.288 ms enumerating physical devices (slow!)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     GPU 0: Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER) v1.2.278 (discrete)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]            uuid: 48:D9:72:C1:BC:6B:2C:5A:87:52:B8:B6:3B:25:D9:07
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     GPU 1: Microsoft Direct3D12 (Microsoft Basic Render Driver) v1.2.278 (software)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]            uuid: A3:D8:05:DF:8B:57:91:4F:FC:75:BD:59:71:40:2F:6B
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Vulkan device properties:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     Device Name: Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2060 SUPER)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     Device ID: 10de:1f06
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     Device UUID: 48:D9:72:C1:BC:6B:2C:5A:87:52:B8:B6:3B:25:D9:07
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     Driver version: 6000063
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     API version: 1.2.278
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async transfer (queue 1)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async compute (queue 1)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan device with extensions:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_swapchain
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_EXT_external_memory_host
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_synchronization2
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 218.605 ms creating vulkan device (slow!)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory heaps supported by device:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     0: flags 0x0 size   15G
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     1: flags 0x1 size 8006M
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory summary:     0 used     0 res     0 alloc, efficiency 100.00%, utilization 100.00%, max page:  500M
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] shaderc SPIR-V version 1.6 rev 1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized SPIR-V compiler 'shaderc'
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU information:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     GLSL version: 450 (vulkan)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_shmem_size:            32768
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_group_threads:         1024
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_group_size[0]:         1024
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_group_size[1]:         1024
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_group_size[2]:         64
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       subgroup_size:             32
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       min_gather_offset:         -32
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_gather_offset:         31
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     Limits:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       thread_safe:               1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       callbacks:                 1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_buf_size:              17134012416
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_ubo_size:              65536
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_ssbo_size:             134217728
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_vbo_size:              8394899456
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_mapped_size:           17134012416
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_buffer_texels:         134217728
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       align_host_ptr:            65536
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       host_cached:               1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_tex_1d_dim:            16384
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_tex_2d_dim:            16384
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_tex_3d_dim:            2048
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       blittable_1d_3d:           1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       buf_transfer:              1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       align_tex_xfer_pitch:      256
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       align_tex_xfer_offset:     512
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_variable_comps:        0
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_constants:             18446744073709551615
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_pushc_size:            128
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       align_vertex_stride:       1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_dispatch[0]:           65535
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_dispatch[1]:           65535
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       max_dispatch[2]:           65535
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       fragment_queues:           1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       compute_queues:            1
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     External API interop:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       UUID: 48:D9:72:C1:BC:6B:2C:5A:87:52:B8:B6:3B:25:D9:07
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       PCI: 0000:00:00:0
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       buf export caps: 0x12
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       buf import caps: 0x12
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       tex export caps: 0x12
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       tex import caps: 0x12
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       sync export caps: 0x0
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]       sync import caps: 0x0
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Available surface configurations:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     0: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB                  VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     1: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM                 VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Picked surface configuration 1: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM + VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR
[11704] D3D12: Removing Device.
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Allocation of size 3840K failed: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY!
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory heaps supported by device:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     0: flags 0x0 size   15G
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     1: flags 0x1 size 8006M
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory summary:     0 used     0 res     0 alloc, efficiency 100.00%, utilization 100.00%, max page:  500M
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]   Backtrace:
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #0  0x7ff9835bc11e in pl_vulkan_release+0x5a8e (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x9c11e) (0x3af0fc11e)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #1  0x7ff9835bc8c9 in pl_vulkan_release+0x6239 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x9c8c9) (0x3af0fc8c9)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #2  0x7ff9835b5883 in pl_vulkan_wrap+0xda3 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x95883) (0x3af0f5883)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #3  0x7ff983575550 in pl_tex_recreate+0x200 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x55550) (0x3af0b5550)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #4  0x7ff71911f66e (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\chiaki.exe+0x2f66e) (0x14002f66e)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #5  0x7ff968a666e0 in ZN14QMetaCallEvent13placeMetaCallEP7QObject+0x30 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0xa66e0) (0x263fd66e0)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #6  0x7ff968a67404 in ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent+0x2b4 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0xa7404) (0x263fd7404)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #7  0x7ff968a30197 in ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x1b7 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x70197) (0x263fa0197)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #8  0x7ff968a3449e in ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData+0x2ee (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x7449e) (0x263fa449e)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #9  0x7ff968bba590 in ZN21QEventDispatcherWin3213processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE+0xb0 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x1fa590) (0x26412a590)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #10 0x7ff968a3bb03 in ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE+0x1a3 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x7bb03) (0x263fabb03)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #11 0x7ff968b1cd7b in ZN7QThread4execEv+0x8b (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x15cd7b) (0x26408cd7b)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #12 0x7ff968bc1254 in ZN14QSystemLibrary4loadEPKwb+0x1854 (C:\Portable Apps\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x201254) (0x264131254)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #13 0x7ff9e8bd257c in BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1c (C:\WINDOWS\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x1257c) (0x18001257c)
[11704] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     #14 0x7ff9e9d6aa47 in RtlUserThreadStart+0x27 (C:\WINDOWS\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+0x5aa47) (0x18005aa47)
[11704] chiaki.gui: Failed to create placebo texture

so then uninstalled it and am back to getting:

[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized libplacebo v6.338.2 (API v338)
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 12.287 ms enumerating instance extensions
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan instance with extensions:
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_portability_enumeration
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_win32_surface
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo]     VK_KHR_surface
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Failed creating instance: VK_ERROR_INCOMPATIBLE_DRIVER
[2340] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Failed initializing vulkan instance
streetpea commented 1 month ago

Can you run this It seems like something is wrong with Vulkan on your computer. Have you updated your nvidia drivers?

xconverge commented 1 month ago

Can you run this It seems like something is wrong with Vulkan on your computer. Have you updated your nvidia drivers?

Thanks, that also didnt work. I was on the latest nvidia driver but chose to reinstall it and it all is good now!

feras54 commented 1 month ago

Please find the attached file below

00000001 0.00000000 [15412] url domain: ""
00000002 0.00006340 [15412] "initServerDomainNoBlock Get domain:" QList()
00000003 0.41625419 [15412] url domain: ""
00000004 0.41632000 [15412] domain: "{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"aboutusUrl\":\"\",\"appstoreUrl\":\"\",\"areaCode\":\"SA\",\"baseName\":\"????-?? ?????\",\"baseStatus\":0,\"callBackDomain\":\"\",\"dllTerminalId\":0,\"downloadUrl\":\"\",\"errorUrl\":\"\",\"extend\":null,\"gameDomain\":\"\",\"handleTerminalId\":0,\"helpUrl\":\"\",\"id\":24,\"isDefault\":0,\"language\":\"en,de,fr,it,es,pl,jp,pt,kr,ar,th,nl,no,sv,cs,ro,sk\",\"lidDomain\":\"\",\"modelName\":\"\",\"payDomain\":\"\",\"platformId\":3,\"privateTerms\":\"\",\"receiverTerminalId\":0,\"styleId\":0,\"terminalId\":1,\"timeDomain\":\"\",\"userDomain\":\"\",\"userTerms\":\"\",\"webUrl\":\"\",\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"websocketIp\":\"\"},\"lvip\":\"143\",\"message\":\"????\"}" 00000005 0.41637000 [15412] "initServerDomain result:{\"code\":200,\"data\":{\"aboutusUrl\":\"\",\"appstoreUrl\":\"\",\"areaCode\":\"SA\",\"baseName\":\"????-?? ?????\",\"baseStatus\":0,\"callBackDomain\":\"\",\"dllTerminalId\":0,\"downloadUrl\":\"\",\"errorUrl\":\"\",\"extend\":null,\"gameDomain\":\"\",\"handleTerminalId\":0,\"helpUrl\":\"\",\"id\":24,\"isDefault\":0,\"language\":\"en,de,fr,it,es,pl,jp,pt,kr,ar,th,nl,no,sv,cs,ro,sk\",\"lidDomain\":\"\",\"modelName\":\"\",\"payDomain\":\"\",\"platformId\":3,\"privateTerms\":\"\",\"receiverTerminalId\":0,\"styleId\":0,\"terminalId\":1,\"timeDomain\":\"\",\"userDomain\":\"\",\"userTerms\":\"\",\"webUrl\":\"\",\"websiteUrl\":\"\",\"websocketIp\":\"\"},\"lvip\":\"143\",\"message\":\"????\"}" QList() 00000006 0.41647649 [15412] "initServerDomain:aboutusUrl, " QList() 00000007 0.41655871 [15412] "initServerDomain:appstoreUrl, " QList()
00000008 0.41658369 [15412] "initServerDomain:areaCode, SA" QList() 00000009 0.41668999 [15412] "initServerDomain:baseName, ????-?? ?????" QList()
00000010 0.41680640 [15412] "initServerDomain:baseStatus, " QList() 00000011 0.41685441 [15412] "initServerDomain:callBackDomain," QList() 00000012 0.41693720 [15412] "initServerDomain:dllTerminalId, " QList()
00000013 0.41698301 [15412] "initServerDomain:downloadUrl, " QList()
00000014 0.41701621 [15412] "initServerDomain:errorUrl, " QList()
00000015 0.41704699 [15412] "initServerDomain:extend, " QList() 00000016 0.41708151 [15412] "initServerDomain:gameDomain," QList()
00000017 0.41710830 [15412] "initServerDomain:handleTerminalId, " QList()
00000018 0.41714159 [15412] "initServerDomain:helpUrl, " QList()
00000019 0.41718480 [15412] "initServerDomain:id, " QList() 00000020 0.41721559 [15412] "initServerDomain:isDefault, " QList()
00000021 0.41724640 [15412] "initServerDomain:language, en,de,fr,it,es,pl,jp,pt,kr,ar,th,nl,no,sv,cs,ro,sk" QList() 00000022 0.41725850 [15412] "initServerDomain:lidDomain," QList()
00000023 0.41728160 [15412] "initServerDomain:modelName, " QList()
00000024 0.41730130 [15412] "initServerDomain:payDomain, " QList()
00000025 0.41732591 [15412] "initServerDomain:platformId, " QList() 00000026 0.41735959 [15412] "initServerDomain:privateTerms, " QList()
00000027 0.41738501 [15412] "initServerDomain:receiverTerminalId, " QList() 00000028 0.41742131 [15412] "initServerDomain:styleId, " QList()
00000029 0.41747969 [15412] "initServerDomain:terminalId, " QList() 00000030 0.41751459 [15412] "initServerDomain:timeDomain, " QList() 00000031 0.41758820 [15412] "initServerDomain:userDomain," QList()
00000032 0.41762471 [15412] "initServerDomain:userTerms, " QList()
00000033 0.41767740 [15412] "initServerDomain:webUrl," QList()
00000034 0.41770339 [15412] "initServerDomain:websiteUrl, " QList() 00000035 0.41772160 [15412] "initServerDomain:websocketIp, " QList()
00000036 0.41778770 [15412] initServerDomain done
00000037 3.69346309 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized libplacebo v6.338.2 (API v338) 00000038 3.72446966 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 27.226 ms enumerating instance extensions
00000039 3.72453117 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan instance with extensions:
00000040 3.72454286 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 00000041 3.72456646 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_surface 00000042 3.72461033 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace
00000043 3.72474241 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities
00000044 3.72479033 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities 00000045 3.72483110 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2
00000046 3.72487211 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_portability_enumeration 00000047 3.72491670 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_win32_surface
00000048 3.72497511 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_surface 00000049 3.74957561 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 24.518 ms creating vulkan instance
00000050 3.74970841 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Probing for vulkan devices:
00000051 3.75069046 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 0: AMD Radeon Graphics v1.3.262 (integrated)
00000052 3.75075531 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: 00:00:00:00:C2:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
00000053 3.75080276 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Vulkan device properties:
00000054 3.75084758 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device Name: AMD Radeon Graphics
00000055 3.75088286 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device ID: 1002:15bf
00000056 3.75092292 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device UUID: 00:00:00:00:C2:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
00000057 3.75094628 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Driver version: 80011b 00000058 3.75096846 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] API version: 1.3.262
00000059 3.75100207 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async transfer (queue 2) 00000060 3.75102115 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async compute (queue 1)
00000061 3.75126791 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan device with extensions:
00000062 3.75130630 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_swapchain
00000063 3.75133801 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_push_descriptor 00000064 3.75138330 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_memory_win32
00000065 3.75141168 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_external_memory_host
00000066 3.75143647 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32
00000067 3.75147128 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_hdr_metadata
00000068 3.75149512 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_full_screen_exclusive
00000069 3.75151396 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_video_queue 00000070 3.75153470 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_video_decode_queue
00000071 3.75155830 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_video_decode_h264
00000072 3.75159669 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_video_decode_h265
00000073 3.77348971 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 21.836 ms creating vulkan device 00000074 3.77362871 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory heaps supported by device:
00000075 3.77369595 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 0: flags 0x3 size 3840M
00000076 3.77379370 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 1: flags 0x0 size 5730M
00000077 3.77386642 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 2: flags 0x3 size 256M
00000078 3.77391243 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory summary: 0 used 0 res 0 alloc, efficiency 100.00%, utilization 100.00%, max page: 240M 00000079 3.77419472 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] shaderc SPIR-V version 1.6 rev 1
00000080 3.77423477 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized SPIR-V compiler 'shaderc'
00000081 3.77450871 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU information:
00000082 3.77454948 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GLSL version: 450 (vulkan) 00000083 3.77458000 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_shmem_size: 32768 00000084 3.77464628 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_threads: 1024
00000085 3.77468729 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[0]: 1024
00000086 3.77478242 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[1]: 1024
00000087 3.77482772 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[2]: 1024
00000088 3.77487969 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] subgroup_size: 64
00000089 3.77490473 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] min_gather_offset: -32
00000090 3.77493167 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_gather_offset: 31
00000091 3.77496600 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Limits:
00000092 3.77498531 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] thread_safe: 1 00000093 3.77502155 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] callbacks: 1 00000094 3.77503276 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_buf_size: 6008340480
00000095 3.77507687 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_ubo_size: 4294967295
00000096 3.77512193 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_ssbo_size: 4294967295
00000097 3.77515769 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_vbo_size: 4026531840
00000098 3.77518797 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_mapped_size: 6008340480
00000099 3.77521396 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_buffer_texels: 4294967295
00000100 3.77523708 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_host_ptr: 4096
00000101 3.77526402 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] host_cached: 1 00000102 3.77529669 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_1d_dim: 16384 00000103 3.77530789 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_2d_dim: 16384 00000104 3.77532840 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_3d_dim: 8192
00000105 3.77533603 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] blittable_1d_3d: 1 00000106 3.77535844 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf_transfer: 1 00000107 3.77536917 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_tex_xfer_pitch: 1 00000108 3.77539039 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_tex_xfer_offset: 4 00000109 3.77539754 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_variable_comps: 0 00000110 3.77542806 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_constants: 18446744073709551615
00000111 3.77545428 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_pushc_size: 128
00000112 3.77548480 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_vertex_stride: 1 00000113 3.77549601 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[0]: 4294967295
00000114 3.77551675 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[1]: 65535 00000115 3.77554154 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[2]: 65535 00000116 3.77557468 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] fragment_queues: 1 00000117 3.77561116 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] compute_queues: 1 00000118 3.77570963 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] External API interop:
00000119 3.77578044 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] UUID: 00:00:00:00:C2:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00
00000120 3.77584362 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] PCI: 0000:c2:00:0
00000121 3.77588129 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf export caps: 0x6 00000122 3.77590799 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf import caps: 0x16
00000123 3.77591562 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] tex export caps: 0x6 00000124 3.77593875 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] tex import caps: 0x16
00000125 3.77594638 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] sync export caps: 0x6
00000126 3.77597451 [17452] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] sync import caps: 0x0
00000127 3.88360476 [17452] chiaki.gui: Component not ready 00000128 3.88360476 [17452] QList(qrc:/Main.qml:4:1: module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
00000129 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls.Material
00000130 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:3:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
00000131 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls 00000132 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 00000133 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Layouts
00000134 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml: module "QtQml.WorkerScript" is not installed, qrc:/Main.qml:4:1: module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
00000135 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls.Material
00000136 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:3:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
00000137 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls 00000138 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 00000139 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Layouts
00000140 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml: module "QtQml.WorkerScript" is not installed, qrc:/Main.qml:4:1: module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
00000141 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls.Material
00000142 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:3:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
00000143 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls 00000144 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 00000145 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Layouts
00000146 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml: module "QtQml.WorkerScript" is not installed, qrc:/Main.qml:4:1: module "QtQuick.Controls.Material" is not installed
00000147 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls.Material
00000148 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:3:1: module "QtQuick.Controls" is not installed
00000149 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Controls 00000150 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml:2:1: module "QtQuick.Layouts" is not installed 00000151 3.88360476 [17452] import QtQuick.Layouts
00000152 3.88360476 [17452] ^, qrc:/Main.qml: module "QtQml.WorkerScript" is not installed)

Did I do right?

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 it looks like some files weren't copied properly. Can you try deleting the folder with the existing app and then redownloading the zip file and reextracting it?

feras54 commented 1 month ago

@streetpea Same issue here is the new record chiki.LOG

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 it says there are some modules not installed but they should be in the zip file. They are found fine when I download Chiaki4deck onto my Windows computer. If you navigate to the folder where the app is installed can you navigate to the qml/QtQuick/Controls/Material and make sure it exists?

feras54 commented 1 month ago

@streetpea do you mean these ? I also have qml folder IMG_7641

streetpea commented 1 month ago

I mean there should be folders within the qml folder like the material one with the path I pasted before

feras54 commented 1 month ago



streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 It just says uploading image .. I can’t see anything

feras54 commented 1 month ago

@streetpea Look now

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 It seems like it’s present so it’s likely not finding it for some reason. Can you try opening a command prompt and typing set QML2_IMPORT_PATH= and then dragging and then dropping the qml folder in the command prompt (which should populate the path to the qml folder) and then hit enter. Next, drag and drop the Chiaki.exe into the same command prompt (populating its path) and then hit enter. This should launch Chiaki4deck. Let me know if it works when you do that.

feras54 commented 1 month ago

That worked!

But still I can’t open it the normal way

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 can you try the same thing but with QML_IMPORT_PATH?

streetpea commented 1 month ago

Also on a new command prompt can you try: echo %QML2_IMPORT_PATH% And echo %QML_IMPORT_PATH%

feras54 commented 1 month ago


The first one worked The second and third one didn’t work

feras54 commented 1 month ago

Wait for the second and third I didn’t write “set” I replaced it with “echo” did I do it right?

streetpea commented 1 month ago

That should just print the current env variable ... I just wanted to see what it was ... it wouldn't help launch the app.

streetpea commented 1 month ago

Anyway that variable should be getting set by the application but for whatever reason it's not working for you ... you can manually add QML_IMPORT_PATH to your system environment variables with the value of the qml directory path (the one you get when dragging the qmldir into the command prompt) and it should work (you can set how to set a system env var here

feras54 commented 1 month ago


What I understand is there are Two ways to do it either from command, prompt or the easier way from system as in the picture below, is that right?


in the Variable value section I would write the QML path (The one I get when I drug the QMF file in the command prompt)

but What do I write in variable name or does not matter?

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@feras54 you'll want QML_IMPORT_PATH or QML2_IMPORT_PATH as the variable name (either should work as evidenced by your tests earlier)

feras54 commented 1 month ago

@streetpea Sir you’re a genius thank you very much problem solved

hvmzx commented 1 month ago

I seem to have the same issue, the app opens with a blank page for a split second then closes @streetpea I tried adding those 2 env variables but that didn't help

logs ``` 00000001 0.00000000 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.23.08:560][417]LogEpicConnectClient: Warning: HandleMessageFrame(): Couldn't parse Epic Connect message-id NDU5Y2UyMzNkYmZlNDU0Nz 00000002 0.00000000 [12324] {"correlationId":"8d7a48a3-f1cf-4826-bd9a-c7cc1f33e1b6","timestamp":1717262596040,"id":"NDU5Y2UyMzNkYmZlNDU0Nz","connectionId":"0242acfffe110005-00000001-1d3e5d28-b5c98754a1a8e17d-3a1dff35","payload":{"accountId":"b31d35e19b0742558dfc5727ea5c585c","status":"online","perNs":[{"status":"online","activity":{"value":"Joue à une partie joignable - 1V1 BUILD FIGHTS FFA ?? - 3 / 16"},"ns":"Fortnite","props":{"X_NonEOS_ProductName":"Fortnite","X_NonEOS_IsPlaying":"true"},"conns":[{"id":"V2:Fortnite:PSN:8919596890366031463:104C9EA0DA1E4EED88AD5B82576040C2","props":{}}]},{"productId":"prod-fn","appId":"fghi4567FNFBKFz3E4TROb0bmPS8h1GW","status":"online","activity":{"value":""},"ns":"62a9473a2dca46b29ccf17577fcf42d7","props":{"EOS_ProductVersion":"++Fortnite+Release-30.00-CL-33962396","EOS_Platform":"PSN","EOS_IntegratedPlatform":"UNKNOWN","EOS_ProductName":"Fortnite","EOS_Lobby":"{"version":3}","EOS_OnlinePlatformType":"1000","EOS_Session":"{"version":3}"},"conns":[{"id":"0242acfffe110005-00000001-1d445565-87e8711789498993-c8eedc00","props":{}}]}]},"type":"presence.v1.UPDATE"} 00000003 2.73208332 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized libplacebo v6.338.2 (API v338) 00000004 2.76211643 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 27.095 ms enumerating instance extensions 00000005 2.76213527 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan instance with extensions: 00000006 2.76215386 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_get_physical_device_properties2 00000007 2.76215959 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_surface 00000008 2.76218867 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_swapchain_colorspace 00000009 2.76221132 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_memory_capabilities 00000010 2.76224256 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_semaphore_capabilities 00000011 2.76225924 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_get_surface_capabilities2 00000012 2.76226497 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_portability_enumeration 00000013 2.76228833 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_win32_surface 00000014 2.76230669 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_surface 00000015 2.76808405 [3096] D3D Error 887e0003: (14800@1470015) at 00007FFB8E8FA206 - D3D12SDKVersion from D3D12Core != requested D3D12SDKVersion. 00000016 2.79602647 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 33.649 ms creating vulkan instance 00000017 2.79608011 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Probing for vulkan devices: 00000018 2.98985767 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 193.718 ms enumerating physical devices (slow!) 00000019 2.98988843 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 0: Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU) v1.2.278 (discrete) 00000020 2.98991156 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: 15:8D:8F:50:FE:61:3A:A5:2C:3E:25:28:65:24:4C:9A 00000021 2.98992634 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 1: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU v1.3.278 (discrete) 00000022 2.98994040 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: C5:A6:0F:AF:AE:8F:A3:38:62:AF:D1:25:DE:F7:87:36 00000023 2.98995423 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 2: AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics v1.3.217 (integrated) 00000024 2.98996758 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: 00:00:00:00:75:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00:00 00000025 2.98998094 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 3: Microsoft Direct3D12 (AMD Radeon(TM) Graphics) v1.2.278 (integrated) 00000026 2.98999429 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: 1A:F1:B0:4F:ED:F1:EE:A1:0C:62:42:69:D8:38:C5:DA 00000027 2.99000716 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU 4: Microsoft Direct3D12 (Microsoft Basic Render Driver) v1.2.278 (software) 00000028 2.99002004 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] uuid: A3:D8:05:DF:8B:57:91:4F:FC:75:BD:59:71:40:2F:6B 00000029 2.99003291 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Vulkan device properties: 00000030 2.99004674 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device Name: Microsoft Direct3D12 (NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4070 Laptop GPU) 00000031 2.99005961 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device ID: 10de:2860 00000032 2.99006677 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Device UUID: 15:8D:8F:50:FE:61:3A:A5:2C:3E:25:28:65:24:4C:9A 00000033 2.99008083 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Driver version: 6000063 00000034 2.99009442 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] API version: 1.2.278 00000035 2.99011111 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async transfer (queue 1) 00000036 2.99012446 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Using async compute (queue 1) 00000037 2.99021626 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Creating vulkan device with extensions: 00000038 2.99023032 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_swapchain 00000039 2.99024439 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_memory_win32 00000040 2.99025130 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_EXT_external_memory_host 00000041 2.99026608 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_external_semaphore_win32 00000042 2.99028039 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] VK_KHR_synchronization2 00000043 3.38070250 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Spent 390.322 ms creating vulkan device (slow!) 00000044 3.38090873 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory heaps supported by device: 00000045 3.38094330 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 0: flags 0x0 size 7778M 00000046 3.38096929 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 1: flags 0x1 size 7948M 00000047 3.38100433 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory summary: 0 used 0 res 0 alloc, efficiency 100.00%, utilization 100.00%, max page: 496M 00000048 3.38120317 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] shaderc SPIR-V version 1.6 rev 1 00000049 3.38123393 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Initialized SPIR-V compiler 'shaderc' 00000050 3.38153911 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GPU information: 00000051 3.38157034 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] GLSL version: 450 (vulkan) 00000052 3.38159204 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_shmem_size: 32768 00000053 3.38161683 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_threads: 1024 00000054 3.38164091 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[0]: 1024 00000055 3.38166571 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[1]: 1024 00000056 3.38169003 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_group_size[2]: 64 00000057 3.38171411 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] subgroup_size: 32 00000058 3.38173842 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] min_gather_offset: -32 00000059 3.38176250 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_gather_offset: 31 00000060 3.38178635 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Limits: 00000061 3.38181090 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] thread_safe: 1 00000062 3.38183475 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] callbacks: 1 00000063 3.38185954 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_buf_size: 8334082048 00000064 3.38188314 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_ubo_size: 65536 00000065 3.38190770 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_ssbo_size: 134217728 00000066 3.38193202 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_vbo_size: 8334082048 00000067 3.38195634 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_mapped_size: 8156364800 00000068 3.38198042 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_buffer_texels: 134217728 00000069 3.38200474 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_host_ptr: 65536 00000070 3.38202882 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] host_cached: 1 00000071 3.38205290 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_1d_dim: 16384 00000072 3.38207674 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_2d_dim: 16384 00000073 3.38210082 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_tex_3d_dim: 2048 00000074 3.38212490 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] blittable_1d_3d: 1 00000075 3.38214874 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf_transfer: 1 00000076 3.38217282 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_tex_xfer_pitch: 256 00000077 3.38219690 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_tex_xfer_offset: 512 00000078 3.38222051 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_variable_comps: 0 00000079 3.38224435 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_constants: 18446744073709551615 00000080 3.38226891 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_pushc_size: 128 00000081 3.38229203 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] align_vertex_stride: 1 00000082 3.38231564 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[0]: 65535 00000083 3.38233924 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[1]: 65535 00000084 3.38236308 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] max_dispatch[2]: 65535 00000085 3.38238668 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] fragment_queues: 1 00000086 3.38241029 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] compute_queues: 1 00000087 3.38243484 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] External API interop: 00000088 3.38245916 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] UUID: 15:8D:8F:50:FE:61:3A:A5:2C:3E:25:28:65:24:4C:9A 00000089 3.38248348 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] PCI: 0000:00:00:0 00000090 3.38250875 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf export caps: 0x12 00000091 3.38253188 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] buf import caps: 0x12 00000092 3.38255548 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] tex export caps: 0x12 00000093 3.38257957 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] tex import caps: 0x12 00000094 3.38260317 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] sync export caps: 0x0 00000095 3.38262677 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] sync import caps: 0x0 00000096 3.78906679 [3096] qrc:/MainView.qml:158:17: QML QQuickImage: Binding loop detected for property "sourceSize" 00000097 3.79963684 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Available surface configurations: 00000098 3.80143285 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 0: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_SRGB VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR 00000099 3.80335402 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 1: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR 00000100 3.80624652 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Picked surface configuration 1: VK_FORMAT_B8G8R8A8_UNORM + VK_COLOR_SPACE_SRGB_NONLINEAR_KHR 00000101 3.81063032 [3096] D3D12: Removing Device. 00000102 3.81083512 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Allocation of size 8640K failed: VK_ERROR_OUT_OF_DEVICE_MEMORY! 00000103 3.81086802 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory heaps supported by device: 00000104 3.81089115 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 0: flags 0x0 size 7778M 00000105 3.81091046 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] 1: flags 0x1 size 7948M 00000106 3.81094170 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Memory summary: 0 used 0 res 0 alloc, efficiency 100.00%, utilization 100.00%, max page: 496M 00000107 3.81422591 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] Backtrace: 00000108 3.81549668 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #0 0x7ffb6f2bc11e in pl_vulkan_release+0x5a8e (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x9c11e) (0x3af0fc11e) 00000109 3.81557274 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #1 0x7ffb6f2bc8c9 in pl_vulkan_release+0x6239 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x9c8c9) (0x3af0fc8c9) 00000110 3.81564641 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #2 0x7ffb6f2b5883 in pl_vulkan_wrap+0xda3 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x95883) (0x3af0f5883) 00000111 3.81571674 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #3 0x7ffb6f275550 in pl_tex_recreate+0x200 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\libplacebo-338.dll+0x55550) (0x3af0b5550) 00000112 3.81616449 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #4 0x7ff6cf0f4df4 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\chiaki.exe+0x34df4) (0x140034df4) 00000113 3.82653928 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #5 0x7ffb233af400 in ZN14QMetaCallEvent13placeMetaCallEP7QObject+0x30 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0xaf400) (0x263fdf400) 00000114 3.82667685 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #6 0x7ffb233b0255 in ZN7QObject5eventEP6QEvent+0x2d5 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0xb0255) (0x263fe0255) 00000115 3.82677126 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #7 0x7ffb233768a7 in ZN16QCoreApplication15notifyInternal2EP7QObjectP6QEvent+0x1c7 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x768a7) (0x263fa68a7) 00000116 3.82685995 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #8 0x7ffb2337b0e8 in ZN23QCoreApplicationPrivate16sendPostedEventsEP7QObjectiP11QThreadData+0x318 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x7b0e8) (0x263fab0e8) 00000117 3.82694268 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #9 0x7ffb23512e2c in ZN21QEventDispatcherWin3213processEventsE6QFlagsIN10QEventLoop17ProcessEventsFlagEE+0xac (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x212e2c) (0x264142e2c) 00000118 3.82704353 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #10 0x7ffb23382c03 in ZN10QEventLoop4execE6QFlagsINS_17ProcessEventsFlagEE+0x1b3 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x82c03) (0x263fb2c03) 00000119 3.82712150 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #11 0x7ffb23470ecf in ZN7QThread4execEv+0x9f (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x170ecf) (0x2640a0ecf) 00000120 3.82719851 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #12 0x7ffb2351a124 in ZN14QSystemLibrary4loadEPKwb+0x1944 (C:\Users\user\Downloads\Chiaki4deck-win_x64-MSYS2-Release\Chiaki4deck-Win\Qt6Core.dll+0x21a124) (0x26414a124) 00000121 3.82938409 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #13 0x7ffbb50f257c in BaseThreadInitThunk+0x1c (C:\Windows\System32\KERNEL32.DLL+0x1257c) (0x18001257c) 00000122 3.83280158 [3096] chiaki.gui: [libplacebo] #14 0x7ffbb68caa47 in RtlUserThreadStart+0x27 (C:\Windows\SYSTEM32\ntdll.dll+0x5aa47) (0x18005aa47) 00000123 3.83353233 [3096] chiaki.gui: Failed to create placebo texture 00000124 15.07341766 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.23.23:634][738]LogEOSMessageService: Error: Unable to find port. 00000125 43.33526230 [10124] ************Executable file path is: ' 00000126 43.33528900 [10124] \Device\HarddiskVolume3\Users\user\AppData\Local\Discord\app-1.0.9147\Discord.exe 00000127 43.33530807 [10124] 00000128 43.33533096 [10124] PID=10124 00000129 43.33535385 [10124] 00000130 43.33538055 [10124] ************Trace & dump config file path is: ' 00000131 43.33539581 [10124] C:\Users\user\AppData\Local\AMDh264Encoder.cfg 00000132 43.33541107 [10124] '************ 00000133 43.33746719 [10124] 2024-06-01 19:23:51.898 2D88 [OutputProtectionManager] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\mft\mft-framework\MFTMerits.cpp(563):StartInitializationDX11() - D3D11CreateDevice failed with HRESULT(0x887A0002) 00000134 43.44113541 [10124] 2024-06-01 19:23:52.001 2D88 [OutputProtectionManager] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\mft\mft-framework\MFTMerits.cpp(298):StartInitializationDXVA() - VideoDecoderService CreateVideoDecoder failed with HRESULT(0x8876086C) 00000135 43.45676804 [10124] 2024-06-01 19:23:52.016 2D88 [OutputProtectionManager] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\mft\mft-framework\MFTMerits.cpp(563):StartInitializationDX11() - D3D11CreateDevice failed with HRESULT(0x887A0002) 00000136 43.54128265 [10124] 2024-06-01 19:23:52.101 2D88 [OutputProtectionManager] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\mft\mft-framework\MFTMerits.cpp(298):StartInitializationDXVA() - VideoDecoderService CreateVideoDecoder failed with HRESULT(0x8876086C) 00000137 43.63158798 [6812] D3D Error 887e0003: (7720@1510875) at 00007FFB8E8FA206 - D3D12SDKVersion from D3D12Core != requested D3D12SDKVersion. 00000138 44.02963638 [10124] D3D Error 887e0003: (992@1511281) at 00007FFB8E8FA206 - D3D12SDKVersion from D3D12Core != requested D3D12SDKVersion. 00000139 51.55104065 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.00:111][516]LogEpicConnectClient: Warning: HandleMessageFrame(): Couldn't parse Epic Connect message-id YTlhN2Q3M2U1N2U4NGNkMz 00000140 51.55104065 [12324] {"correlationId":"EOS-JwrBPKZSjkCFE1bEaeGmNQ-_47_zxcabkWlRDb-bsQTLw-aN0lyrO1QUiBN01G2FwHUw","timestamp":1717262647589,"id":"YTlhN2Q3M2U1N2U4NGNkMz","connectionId":"0242acfffe110005-00000001-1d3e5d28-b5c98754a1a8e17d-3a1dff35","payload":{"accountId":"38f0e181bad74d5795a19457ca0175af","status":"online","perNs":[{"productId":"e6bcca5b37d0457ca881aec508205542","appId":"fghi4567OXA1CdeeCuAmUWMhmfiO3EAl","status":"online","activity":{"value":"Double in Sovereign Heights"},"ns":"da32ae9c12ae40e8a112c52e1f17f3ba","props":{"bIsJoinable":"0","OnlinePlatform":"Epic","EOS_Platform":"WIN","EOS_ProductVersion":"240425.56865.448852","EOS_ProductName":"Rocket League","EOS_Session":"{"version":2}","EOS_Lobby":"{"version":2}"},"conns":[{"id":"0242acfffe110005-00000001-1d41d169-c1a57dd6f302dc9d-e809dfd6","props":{}}]},{"status":"online","ns":"_","props":{"SessionId":"","bIsPlaying":"false","bIsJoinable":"false","bHasVoiceSupport":"false"},"conns":[{"id":"0242acfffe110002-00000001-1d0d942e-eaf94a5a1304b438-2d956562","runningApp":{"id":"9773aa1aa54f4f7b80e44bef04986cea","displayName":"Rocket League®"},"props":{"running_app_name":"Rocket League®","running_app_id":"9773aa1aa54f4f7b80e44bef04986cea"}}]}]},"type":"presence.v1.UPDATE"} 00000141 52.04413605 [7764] 2024-06-01 19:24:00.603 1990 [AMFDeviceDX11Impl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\DeviceDX11Impl.cpp(1149):Assertion failed:Init() was called with non-AMD device 00000142 52.04468536 [7764] 2024-06-01 19:24:00.604 1990 [AMFContextImpl] Error: ..\..\..\..\..\runtime\src\core\ContextImpl.cpp(337):AMF_ERROR 4 : AMF_INVALID_ARG: pDeviceDX11->Init(pDX11Device, dxVersionRequired) 00000143 71.19757843 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:758][947]LogSlate: Request Window '' being destroyed 00000144 71.19976044 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:759][947]LogSlate: Request Window '' being destroyed 00000145 71.24725342 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:807][948]LogCore: Engine exit requested (reason: Shutdown) 00000146 71.29016876 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:851][948]FApplicationImpl::Run Main loop exit. GC_Try:0.564984 GC_Time:1.276627 GC_Skip:0 00000147 71.29132843 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:852][948]Portal: Destroying System Tray User UI Layer 00000148 71.29206848 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:852][948]Portal: Destroying System Tray User Presentation Layer 00000149 71.29911041 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:859][948]FLauncherViewModelImple: Destroying LauncherViewModel 00000150 71.29964447 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:859][948]Portal: Destroying User Domain Layer 00000151 71.29967499 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:859][948]LogWebBrowser: Unregistering ContextId=userdomain. 00000152 71.34714508 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:907][948]Portal: Destroying User Data Access Layer 00000153 71.34722137 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:907][948]Portal: Destroying App System Tray UI Layer 00000154 71.34758759 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:908][948]Portal: Destroying App System Tray Presentation Layer 00000155 71.34784698 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:908][948]Portal: Destroying App Domain Layer 00000156 71.34788513 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:908][948]LogWebBrowser: Unregistering ContextId=TEMP. 00000157 71.37158966 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:932][948]LogExit: ~FNotificationRepository: ExistingItems.Num = 0 00000158 71.37268066 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.19:932][948]Portal: Destroying App Data Access Layer 00000159 71.76388550 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:323][948]LogExit: Preparing to exit. 00000160 71.77115631 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:331][948]LogExit: Object subsystem successfully closed. 00000161 71.77765656 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:338][948]BuildPatchServicesModule: Shutting Down 00000162 71.77768707 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:338][948]VeryVerbose: BuildPatchServicesModule: Removing Ticker 00000163 71.77770996 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:338][948]VeryVerbose: BuildPatchServicesModule: Finished shutting down 00000164 71.81472778 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:373][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module DesktopPlatform (42) 00000165 71.81914520 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:373][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PortalUI (40) 00000166 71.82094574 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:375][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PortalPresentation (38) 00000167 71.82331848 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:379][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PortalDomain (36) 00000168 71.82515717 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:381][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PlatformCrypto (34) 00000169 71.82662964 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:383][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module PortalDataAccess (32) 00000170 71.82794189 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:385][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HardwareSurvey (30) 00000171 71.83007050 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:386][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AutomationDriver (26) 00000172 71.83142090 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:389][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module ImageWrapper (24) 00000173 71.83332825 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:390][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module InputCore (22) 00000174 71.83608246 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:392][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module DirectoryWatcher (20) 00000175 71.83750916 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:393][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module AnalyticsET (16) 00000176 71.83879089 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:395][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module XMPP (11) 00000177 71.84035492 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:397][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module WebSockets (10) 00000178 71.84242249 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:400][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module HTTP (9) 00000179 72.34643555 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:907][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module SSL (8) 00000180 72.34781647 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:908][948]LogModuleManager: Shutting down and abandoning module CoreUObject (2) 00000181 72.36517334 [12324] [2024.06.01-17.24.20:925][948]LogExit: Exiting. 00000182 77.21306610 [20216] Steam Allow Foreground Window - Webhelper closed 00000183 77.81474304 [17028] Failed creating mutex SteamChrome_MasterStream_spid17028_mutex-IPCWrapper (GLE: 1336) ```
streetpea commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx it looks like you have an issue with Vulkan on your computer like @xconverge. Please try updating your drivers and if that doesn’t work reinstall the drivers and see if that fixes it.

hvmzx commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx it looks like you have an issue with Vulkan on your computer like @xconverge. Please try updating your drivers and if that doesn’t work reinstall the drivers and see if that fixes it.

I'm on latest drivers but I'll try a reinstall

hvmzx commented 1 month ago

update: i uninstalled fully (using DDU) and reinstalled the drivers and it still didn't work. I switched the preferred gpu to the integrated gpu of my laptop (amd apu) and it worked.

@xconverge are you sure chiaki is using your nvidia gpu when running ?

Kethers commented 1 month ago

I meet the similar issue, but I solve it by moving the extracted folder to pure-English path. The non-ascii character in the filepath causes my problem lol.

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx you can download the official Vulkan hw compatibility and see if that runs If it doesn’t that confirms Vulkan is broken on your system with the given driver

hvmzx commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx you can download the official Vulkan hw compatibility and see if that runs If it doesn’t that confirms Vulkan is broken on your system with the given driver

I tried it already and it was functional. The issue is pretty weird

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx do you have the Vulkan, OpenGL, and Opencl compatibility pack installed? If you do can you try uninstalling it (I see some d3d12 error that may be caused by that).

hvmzx commented 1 month ago

No i didn't have those installed, i followed all the steps of the previous messages but in vain

streetpea commented 1 month ago

@hvmzx after taking a look at your logs again it appears you do the OpenGL, OpenGL, Vulkan compatibility pack installed because you get drivers that say d3d12 for Vulkan and those are created by the compatibility pack afaik. Furthermore, while the none d3d12 driver is also available it’s using the d3d12 driver which is likely what’s causing the problem. Uninstalling that pack should fix it (you should no longer see the d3d12 devices for Vulkan).

streetpea commented 1 month ago

Here is a link that explains how to uninstall it