streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 9 forks source link

Import Error #110

Closed EvgenyK1975 closed 5 months ago

EvgenyK1975 commented 5 months ago

When I import files from evernote HTML or ENEX I got error message. Pls see samples Error notesnook-importer (3).zip

smikwily commented 5 months ago

Getting this as well. I'm only processing a single file, so I'm only getting one error. I've tried HTML and MD and both are doing the same. Attached is HTML.

adaspender commented 5 months ago

Similar issue here. I'm on Linux Mint coming from Evernote and used the importer following all the instructions, but the application sends out a TypeError hundreds of times: image While the web app says is undefined for the same .zip: image

I'm unfamiliar with the .enex format Evernote exports as, but looking at the files I do see them obfuscating all the written material into Base64 and quite a few titles have not exported out of Evernote, leaving only <title>Untitled Note</title> in the markup. Not sure if that helps better determine what's happening or not.

adaspender commented 5 months ago

@smikwily @EvgenyK1975 Found a partial workaround, here's exactly what I did (on Mint):

  1. Installed PipX to download and utilize evernote-backup to export my notes.

I had previously exported via Evernote's advertised Windows10 Desktop application, individually exporting my notebooks as per the instructions on Notesnook's help page. When exporting through the Desktop application the files denote a version 10.71.2. When exporting through the evernote-backup script the files denote a version 10.10.5 and all notes were correctly titled in the markup.

  1. Opened v2.2.1 of the Notesnook Importer in an incognito Brave tab to ensure none of my add-ons were running and disabled Brave Shields (my vpn was still active).
  2. Left Telemetry enabled, selected Evernote from the dropdown, uploaded my evernote-backup script's exported .enex files, then downloaded the importer generated .zip file.
  3. Opened in an additional Brave incognito tab (again turning Shields off) and performed the import. This time I was told I needed to upgrade to import in the midst of doing so, but the import finished anyways. Unfortunately not all 320+ of my notes were imported in this process. Perhaps it cut off because I didn't upgrade beforehand? Don't know. EDIT: Paid for one month of Pro, fully imported all notes now. It seems there is a limit to how many notes a free account is allowed to import. That should be made more clear,

That's it, praying for ya

thecodrr commented 5 months ago

This has been fixed.