streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Tags from Evernote not imported #119

Open ninjaloose opened 2 months ago

ninjaloose commented 2 months ago

Imported from Evernote, but seems to be a bad time since the V3 beta was installed via F-droid on my phone. Managed to find out via discord and get to the the current webapp.

  1. Exported notebook's from Evernote as per Help doc using the official Evernote desktop client.
  2. Uploaded to Notesnook Importer (v2.3.0)
  3. Downloaded zipfile produced
  4. Imported to v3 Webapp
  5. Notes all imported, 1 Error sustained "error 0 unknown buffer state" (no quite sure it said something along those lines)
  6. Checked a few notes, there are no Tag's imported.

I can confirm that the tags do exist in the .json files in the the .zip produced by step 3