streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 9 forks source link

Apple Notes importer would be helpful #127

Open rcgottlieb opened 1 month ago

rcgottlieb commented 1 month ago

I'd like to find some way to import from Apple Notes, but it probably can't be via the web importer as Apple only exports to PDF which isn't all that useful. It would have to be something that interfaces with the Apple Notes API. It looks like either Applescript or Python via the PyXA module are the only two ways to directly access the notes. So it would involve some script writing.

chairmantheboring commented 3 weeks ago

If you have a Mac, you can use this application:

It will export your Apple Notes as markdown files which you can then import using the importer.