streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
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OneNote Problem Import notebook 'Ah-Ha! LLC' #36

Closed EdanSaltz closed 1 year ago

EdanSaltz commented 1 year ago

The import failed for a notebook called 'Ah-Ha! LLC'

Likely one of the characters caused problems for the parser. Most likely the '!'. I changed all special characters to '_'

EdanSaltz commented 1 year ago

This is an example of an error

Ha is not a function (page: The Mythical Man-Month)

EdanSaltz commented 1 year ago

Just saw someone else also speak about 'Ha is not a function'

It must have been a coincidence that my notebook had that in the name.