streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
48 stars 9 forks source link

Suggestion: Import for Obsidian #71

Open Maksance opened 1 year ago

Maksance commented 1 year ago


Currently, we cannot import note from Obsidian. The markdown importer can be an alternative but it cannot import image from note which is a problem when you have a lot of notes ..

Have you any workaround or solution allowing to import notes from obsidian to notesnook with attachments ?

Maksance commented 1 year ago

FIY: a good workaround is using the plugin "obsidian-webpage-export" on obsidian side, export all the note in HTML format, and using the Notesnook importer with HTML files.

It's working pretty well but you depend on a community plugins