streetwriters / notesnook-importer

Import your notes from any app into Notesnook
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Apostrophes (`'`) in note titles imported from Evernote are changed to `'` #82

Closed martinfrancois closed 11 months ago

martinfrancois commented 11 months ago

Reproduction steps:

  1. Create a note in Evernote which contains an apostrophe (') character in the title (for example: My title's name contains an apostrophe)
  2. Export the notebook this note is contained in, in ENEX format
  3. Run the exported enex file through
  4. Import the file into Notesnook (macOS desktop client)

Expected result: The imported note has the same title as in Evernote (for example My title's name contains an apostrophe)

Actual result: The title of the imported note has the apostrophe (') replaced with ' (for example: My title's name contains an apostrophe)