streetwriters / notesnook

A fully open source & end-to-end encrypted note taking alternative to Evernote.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Deep links / App links / Universal links (notesnook://my-note-1) #1000

Open 0scvr opened 1 year ago

0scvr commented 1 year ago

What problem are you facing?

To my knowledge, there is no way of referencing notesnook notes outside of the Notesnook app.

What's the solution you'd like to see in Notesnook?

It would be great to have deep links (or app links or universal links, whatever they're called) in Notesnook's mobile & desktop apps to be able to reference my notes in other places (outside of Notesnook). I am coming from Joplin which has this feature.

I use another app for scheduling my tasks and back when I still used Joplin, I could copy a link to a note in the form: joplin://x-callback-url/openNote?id=<note id> and put that in my schedule so that when I was reminded of the task I could just click the link and I would be taken straight to my note in Joplin. I find this to be a pretty handy feature when using multiple apps to organize your life/work.

What alternatives have you considered?

Joplin (

Additional context

No response

0scvr commented 1 year ago

I'd be willing to work on this issue btw, if it's inline with your roadmap and if I had a bit of help since I don't know the codebase yet.

thecodrr commented 1 year ago

@devstra this is definitely on the roadmap. Adding it to the desktop app would be fairly trivial (just register a custom scheme notesnook:// or nn:// and process the url when it is invoked). I think this would be helpful:

What would be cool though is to implement this for Android/iOS. Both of these OS support custom app protocols so it is doable. @ammarahm-ed maybe you can help here.

Of course, if you have any questions you can reach out via email or join our Discord.

GonzRon commented 10 months ago

hi there, besides being able to generate notesnook app deeplinks, please implement a way to do this on android by allowing the note to be shared (as a deep link) with another app (on android), so I can extend my android app GonzRon/noteNFC to support notesnook. (this is currently working for evernote).