strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
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Error in sjp.glmer(), type ="ri.pc" #13

Closed jeroenclaes closed 9 years ago

jeroenclaes commented 9 years ago

I have a model with the following formula:

model_LH<- glmer(Tipo ~ Co.2.Pr + Education + Negation + Pr.2.Pr + Typical.Action.Chain.Pos + Style*Tense +(1 + Co.2.Pr | Muestra)+ (1 + Negation | Muestra) +(1 + Typical.Action.Chain.Pos| Muestra)+ (1 | Nombrelema), data=datalh, family="binomial", control=glmerControl(optimizer="bobyqa"))

When I run sjp.glmer(model_LH, type = "ri.pc", = TRUE)

I get the following error: Error in $<*tmp*, "xbeta", value = numeric(0)) : replacement has 0 rows, data has 2093

sjPlot commented 9 years ago

Would it be possible to send me some sample data, or the fitted model object saved from the environment (save(model_LH, file = "model_lh.RData")), via email? I haven't worked with multiple random intercepts and slopes yet, so there might be a bug when plotting predicted probabilities for various random intercepts...

sjPlot commented 9 years ago

Which version of the package sjPlot do you use? I can't reproduce this bug, all plots are shown (however, a takes very long due to many coefficients and grouping levels).

jeroenclaes commented 9 years ago

I tried both the cran version and the developer github version, both gave me the same issue with the code on the package website. I will try on Monday to update the package and I will let you know if that solves the issue.

Thanks for looking into it.

Jeroen Claes, PhD Bresstraat 14/2 2018 Antwerpen

Sent from a mobile device. Please excuse errors and/or brevity Op 28-mrt.-2015 18:47 schreef "Daniel Lüdecke"

Which version of the package sjPlot do you use? I can't reproduce this bug, all plots are shown (however, a takes very long due to many coefficients and grouping levels).

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sjPlot commented 9 years ago

What about the other packages? Are lme4 and arm up to date?

jeroenclaes commented 9 years ago

I updated the lme4 and arm package and re-ran the code. I get the same error: Error in $<*tmp*, "xbeta", value = numeric(0)) : replacement has 0 rows, data has 2093

sjPlot commented 9 years ago

which version of sjPlot do you exactly use? Do you get a traceback / error call with some information at which point (code line) in the function call the error occurs? RStudio sometimes offers you a traceback on error calls.

jeroenclaes commented 9 years ago

I updated to 1.6 and updated all other packages too, it seems to work now. Thanks for looking into it!

sjPlot commented 9 years ago

Ok, so I may close this issue? Btw, latest sjPlot should be 1.7 (perhaps it was a typo?). I also recommend using the vars parameter and plot selected variables only at first. Plotting all coefficients for all random intercept levels may take some time. ;-)