strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
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tab_model do not write to a files in a loop or lapply #681

Open aporshnev opened 4 years ago

aporshnev commented 4 years ago

sjPlot is a great package and it works great, but today I observed strange behavoir - it does not make file in loops:

controls<-c("gender_text", "age_interval", "country_text", "sns", "education_text", "news_time", "news_language")


for (i in controls) { test_model <-paste0(baseline, "+", i) m_sbj <- glmer(test_model, data = work_table_REM, family=binomial) print(test_model)


tab_model(m_sbj, = FALSE, show.std = "std2", digits.p = 5, file = paste0(i,".doc"))

I tried lapply lapply(controls, function(x) { tab_model(glmer(paste0(baseline, "+", x), data = work_table_REM, family=binomial), = FALSE, show.std = "std2", digits.p = 5, file = paste0("E:\RT\allstep1",x,".html"))
print(x) })

No files generated in cycle and make a reproducable example:

data(cars) table(cars$dist) controls<-c("speed", "speed") cars$distBIN<- (cars$dist > 30) lapply(controls, function(x) { tab_model(glmer(paste0("distBIN~ (1|speed)+", x), data = cars, family=binomial), = FALSE, show.std = "std2", digits.p = 5, file = paste0("E:\RT\allstep1",x,".html"))
print(x) })

if I just run x<-"speed" tab_model(glmer(paste0("distBIN~ (1|speed)+", x), data = cars, family=binomial), = FALSE, show.std = "std2", digits.p = 5, file = paste0("E:\RT\allstep1",x,".html")) Everything is fine and file appears

butellyn commented 4 years ago

Try print() around your call to tab_model.