strengejacke / sjPlot

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tab_model bootstrap error #812

Open Yo-Hannes opened 2 years ago

Yo-Hannes commented 2 years ago

‘sjPlot’ version ‘parameters’ version

Dear Daniel,

thank you for your awesome packages. I am trying to run the tab_model with bootstrapped CIs for a mixed model. However, I keep getting the error "Error in match.arg(ci_method, c("hdi", "quantile", "ci", "eti", "si", : 'arg' sollte eines von '“hdi”, “quantile”, “ci”, “eti”, “si”, “bci”, “bcai”' sein" when using the bootstrap in the tab_model() command: mod <- lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (Days | Subject), sleepstudy) tab_model(mod, bootstrap = TRUE, iterations = 100)

When using model_parameters(mod, bootstrap = TRUE, iterations = 100,ci.method = "hdi") everything works.

How could I resolve this issue? Thank you! Best, Johannes