strengejacke / sjPlot

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reporting mean values than the median from Bayesian mixed model using tab_model #814

Open preshitambade opened 2 years ago

preshitambade commented 2 years ago

My question was about extracting mean point estimates than the default the median in tab_model command for Bayesian models.

preshitambade commented 2 years ago

The documentation for tab_model has the function "bpe" which allows exporting mean values instead of median.

strengejacke commented 2 years ago

yes, the argument name is not very intuitive. I'm planning a general overhaul, including a more straightforward naming of arguments.

preshitambade commented 2 years ago

Thanks, that will be great. Also, please see if we can report Rhat values which denote model fit. See Convergence diagnostics. As you know we want Rhat=1 for convergence. Not sure if we can highlight these values when they are closer to one like p-value functionality. Thank you in advance.