strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
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Deprecation warning for 'robust' argument #840

Closed fquerdasi closed 2 years ago

fquerdasi commented 2 years ago

When I run a model for which I would like robust (HC3 type) standard errors:

tab_model(model, = "vcovHC", vcov.type = "HC3",, show.std=TRUE, show.stat=TRUE, file= "file.html")

I receive the following warning, and no output is shown: Warning: Therobustargument is deprecated. Please usevcovinstead.

From what I can gather, this happened because the standard_error_robust() and p_value_robust() functions in the parameters() package were superseded by the vcov and vcov_args arguments of the standard_error() and p_value() functions. Is it possible that the tab_model() code needs to be updated to call upon those functions instead of the old ones?


fquerdasi commented 2 years ago

I see that this issue is known about and some fixes are documented here. As per the example in the updated vignette, when I run the model as: tab_model(model, = "HC3"), then it runs fine. However, if I add additional arguments such as: tab_model(model, = "HC3", that is when the warning shows up and the output is not given. Hopefully that helps to clarify the issue.

TillMK commented 2 years ago

Having a similar issue. When using tab_model with sandwich estimator, the routine does not work anymore, seemingly as it uses deprecated commands.

tablelmm <- sjPlot::tab_model( sel_mod, = 0.95, = TRUE, auto.label = FALSE, show.icc = TRUE, show.df = TRUE, dv.labels = c("Model"), = "SE", df.method = "satterthwaite", = "vcovCR", vcov.type = "CR2" ) tablelmm

The robust argument is deprecated. Please use vcov instead.Error: Unable to extract a variance-covariance matrix for model object of class lmerModLmerTest. Different values of the vcov argument trigger calls to the sandwich or clubSandwich packages in order to extract the matrix (see ?insight::get_varcov). Your model or the requested estimation type may not be supported by one or both of those packages.

Could you please update the arguments as soon as possible. Urgently in need of tab_model to run. It works fine without sandwich estimator. Tried to downgrade to older versions of clubsandwich and sandwich with no success. You seem to have control over these commands, hence, it would be great if you could replace them.

Thank you very much All the best

ibrila commented 2 years ago

Having the same problems as @fquerdasi and @TillMK . I would like to be able to use tab_model and plot_model including heteroskedasticity-consistent standard errors.

strengejacke commented 2 years ago

Do you have a reproducible example? And could you also try to install the latest sjPlot package from GitHub, and see if this warning still appears? It should have been resolved.
