strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
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100% per group in plot_grpfrq possible? #863

Open bridgeovertroubledhuman opened 1 year ago

bridgeovertroubledhuman commented 1 year ago

Hey there,

I really love this package. However, It would be amazing, if I could use the plot_grpfrq also to make stacked bar charts, where each group of var.grp is a bar of height 100% (obviously using bar.pos=c("stacked")).

As far as I see, this is not yet implemented, am I correct?

Thank you so much!

Ooops, I am sorry, I just forgot that: plot_xtab can do that. I just so much wanted to do it with plot_grpfrq that I forgot it is within the same package. However, would be awesome if I could cross two variables within grp=data$var1,data$var2 (as an example).