strengejacke / sjPlot

sjPlot - Data Visualization for Statistics in Social Science
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std.est = "std2" does not seem to work in plot_models using lme4 model #881

Closed StijnHeirb closed 1 year ago

StijnHeirb commented 1 year ago

When using a lme4 model in plot_models, std.est = "std2" does not seem to work.

Small example to reproduce the problem:


Dataset with repeated measures for Id

Dat1 <- data.frame(Id = as.factor(rep(c(1:10),10)),
                  Response = rnorm(100,10,0.5))

Dat2 <- data.frame(Id = as.factor(rep(c(11:20),10)),
                  Response = rnorm(100,11,0.5))

Dat <- rbind(Dat1, Dat2)

Dat$Var1 <- rnorm(200,2,1) + Dat$Response
Dat$Var2 <- rnorm(200,4,1) + Dat$Response

2 basic models

Fit1 <- lmer(Response ~ Var1 + (1|Id), data = Dat)
Fit2 <- lmer(Response ~ Var1 + Var2 + (1|Id), data = Dat)

std2 for a single model in plot_model works

plot_model(Fit2, show.values = TRUE)
plot_model(Fit2, show.values = TRUE, show.p = TRUE, type = "std2")

std2 in plot_models does not seem to work

plot_models(Fit1, Fit2, show.values = TRUE)
plot_models(Fit1, Fit2, std.est = "std2", show.values = TRUE)

Any ideas? Thanks in advance.

strengejacke commented 1 year ago

Thanks, should be fixed

#> Loading required package: Matrix

Dat1 <- data.frame(Id = as.factor(rep(c(1:10),10)),
                  Response = rnorm(100,10,0.5))

Dat2 <- data.frame(Id = as.factor(rep(c(11:20),10)),
                  Response = rnorm(100,11,0.5))

Dat <- rbind(Dat1, Dat2)

Dat$Var1 <- rnorm(200,2,1) + Dat$Response
Dat$Var2 <- rnorm(200,4,1) + Dat$Response

Fit1 <- lmer(Response ~ Var1 + (1|Id), data = Dat)
Fit2 <- lmer(Response ~ Var1 + Var2 + (1|Id), data = Dat)

plot_models(Fit1, Fit2, show.values = TRUE)

plot_models(Fit1, Fit2, std.est = "std2", show.values = TRUE)

Created on 2023-03-31 with reprex v2.0.2