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plot_model does not take clustered standard errors in se argument #882

Open MatheaLoen opened 1 year ago

MatheaLoen commented 1 year ago

Hi, I am trying to plot my glm-model with clustered standard errors, and have estimated the vcov and entered into the argument se in the plot_model function. When I compare to the general standard errors, there is absolutely no difference in the plots, although the SE and CSE are different.

mod1 <- glm(x6_1 ~ sex + agegroup1 + lrscale1 + children1 + edu1 + employment1 + lrscale1 + marital_status1 + country, na.action = na.omit, data = df_all, family = binomial(link="logit")) summ(mod1)

Excluding country from coefficients

coi_indices <- which(!startsWith(row.names(data.frame(summary(mod1)$coefficients)), 'country'))

Normal SE

m1coeffs_std <- data.frame(summary(mod1)$coefficients) m1coeffs_std[coi_indices,]

Creating the covariance matrix

cov_mod1 <- vcovCL(mod1, cluster = ~country)

Clustered SE

m1coeffs_cl <- coeftest(mod1, vcov = cov_mod1) m1coeffs_cl[coi_indices,]


terms <- rownames(data.frame(summary(mod1)$coefficients)[coi_indices,]) CSE <- plot_model(mod1, vline.color = "black", terms = terms, ci.lvl = NA, se = cov_mod1) + theme_classic() SSE <- plot_model(mod1, vline.color = "black", terms = terms, se = TRUE) + theme_classic() grid.arrange(CSE, SSE, ncol=2)


Any idea why this is happening? I do get the following warning/error when plotting the two: "If standard errors are requested, no transformation is applied to estimates."