strengejacke / sjPlot

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tab_fa()-function: Cronbach`s alpha changes if 'sort =T' vs 'sort=F' #896

Open njheimbach opened 1 year ago

njheimbach commented 1 year ago

I noticed that the Cronbach's alpha (CA) values change while using the tab_fa()-function when sort=F or sort=T (i.e. true or false). From my understanding CA estimates the internal consistency within a factor. Therefore the CA values should not change if you change only the order of the items since the assignment of an item to a factor stays the same.

I checked with another (public) data-sample and the same issue happened. The code I used for the public data and to demonstrate the issue is the following:


pisa_data <-
pisa_data_example <- pisa_data[,c(3:9)]
pisa_data_example <- na.omit(pisa_data_example)

sjPlot::tab_fa(pisa_data_example ,rotation = "oblimin", method = "pa", nmbr.fctr = 2, sort = F)
sjPlot::tab_fa(pisa_data_example,rotation = "oblimin", method = "pa", nmbr.fctr = 2, sort = T)