strengejacke / sjPlot

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Trouble displaying multiple multinomial logit models #913

Open JoshRoll opened 1 year ago

JoshRoll commented 1 year ago

I love the tab_model table summary for reviewing model results but recently when using it to summarize multiple logit models i found it duplicates independent variable estimates/results making the table unreadable. I reproduce this issue with the student outcomes data below where i show the tab_model works fine for one model but no good for two or three models.

require(foreign) require(nnet) require(ggplot2) require(reshape2) library(sjplot)

Read data

ml <- read.dta( ml$prog2 <- relevel(ml$prog, ref = "academic") test <- multinom(prog2 ~ ses + write, data = ml) test1 <- multinom(prog2 ~ ses , data = ml)

Looks fine


Now it repeats variable as many times as there is a model

tab_model(test, test1) tab_model(test, test, test)