stretchr / gorc

Recursive go testing, done better.
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Package Sets #30

Open tylerstillwater opened 10 years ago

tylerstillwater commented 10 years ago

It may be nice to be able to define a set of packages under a given name and then execute that set of tests by passing the set name.

For example:

gorc test :db

would test all the packages related to interacting with the database. It would be equivalent to running, for example

gorc test data mongo adapters

With how quickly go tests run, this may be a non-issue, but it could be useful to test a specific subset of the overall application to get quicker feedback when making isolated changes.

We would need an interface like

gorc set add :<set name> <package name(s)>
gorc set remove :<set name> <package name(s)>
gorc set list :<set name>

@nelsam @matryer thoughts?