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MapController, MapStaticFile, MapStatic don't accept MatcherFuncs #32

Closed nelsam closed 11 years ago

nelsam commented 11 years ago

It seems slightly odd that Map, MapBefore, and MapAfter all accept MatcherFuncs as additional parameters, while MapController, MapStaticFile, and MapStatic don't.

Use Case:

I am writing a RESTful API. I want a different controller to be called for different types of Accept headers. When the Accept header includes 'text/html', I want to display my generated godoc documentation (using MapStatic or MapStaticFile). When the Accept header includes 'application/-+', I want to run the an API controller that runs the correct version.

I want to do this by essentially passing a MatcherFunc to the MapController, MapStatic, etc methods which checks the Accept header against a list of acceptable values. But currently, they cannot accept MatcherFuncs.

I'm forking the repo and tossing that in myself (because it's easy), and ... will probably make a pull request after I get it working, because ... that's the right thing to do? I think? Goodness, I'm too used to bugzilla and attaching patches. I feel old.

[edit] If there's a better way to do this, please let me know. I haven't been doing this very long, but from what I've seen, that seems to be the best route. [/edit]

matryer commented 11 years ago

You're not old - you using Go :)

You are of course correct that static mapping methods should also accept marcher funcs and if you could write your changes in a TDD manner, with supporting unit tests, then we'd love to accept a pull request from you.

Thanks for making Goweb better.


On 27 Jun 2013, at 12:04, nelsam wrote:

It seems slightly odd that Map, MapBefore, and MapAfter all accept MatcherFuncs as additional parameters, while MapController, MapStaticFile, and MapStatic don't.

Use Case:

I am writing a RESTful API. I want a different controller to be called for different types of Accept headers. When the Accept header includes 'text/html', I want to display my generated godoc documentation (using MapStatic or MapStaticFile). When the Accept header includes 'application/-+', I want to run the an API controller that runs the correct version.

I want to do this by essentially passing a MatcherFunc to the MapController, MapStatic, etc methods which checks the Accept header against a list of acceptable values. But currently, they cannot accept MatcherFuncs.

I'm forking the repo and tossing that in myself (because it's easy), and ... will probably make a pull request after I get it working, because ... that's the right thing to do? I think? Goodness, I'm too used to bugzilla and attaching patches. I feel old.

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matryer commented 11 years ago

Although I'll say that serving different content based on accept header (and not just a different representation) might be a little confusing for users. Your call of course.


Sent from my iPhone

On 27 Jun 2013, at 12:04, nelsam wrote:

It seems slightly odd that Map, MapBefore, and MapAfter all accept MatcherFuncs as additional parameters, while MapController, MapStaticFile, and MapStatic don't.

Use Case:

I am writing a RESTful API. I want a different controller to be called for different types of Accept headers. When the Accept header includes 'text/html', I want to display my generated godoc documentation (using MapStatic or MapStaticFile). When the Accept header includes 'application/-+', I want to run the an API controller that runs the correct version.

I want to do this by essentially passing a MatcherFunc to the MapController, MapStatic, etc methods which checks the Accept header against a list of acceptable values. But currently, they cannot accept MatcherFuncs.

I'm forking the repo and tossing that in myself (because it's easy), and ... will probably make a pull request after I get it working, because ... that's the right thing to do? I think? Goodness, I'm too used to bugzilla and attaching patches. I feel old.

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matryer commented 11 years ago

Personally I'd separate docs and functionality like this:


And avoid the Accept header altogether.


On 27 Jun 2013, at 12:04, nelsam wrote:

It seems slightly odd that Map, MapBefore, and MapAfter all accept MatcherFuncs as additional parameters, while MapController, MapStaticFile, and MapStatic don't.

Use Case:

I am writing a RESTful API. I want a different controller to be called for different types of Accept headers. When the Accept header includes 'text/html', I want to display my generated godoc documentation (using MapStatic or MapStaticFile). When the Accept header includes 'application/-+', I want to run the an API controller that runs the correct version.

I want to do this by essentially passing a MatcherFunc to the MapController, MapStatic, etc methods which checks the Accept header against a list of acceptable values. But currently, they cannot accept MatcherFuncs.

I'm forking the repo and tossing that in myself (because it's easy), and ... will probably make a pull request after I get it working, because ... that's the right thing to do? I think? Goodness, I'm too used to bugzilla and attaching patches. I feel old.

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nelsam commented 11 years ago

Well, to be a bit clearer, the biggest reason I want to map based on Accept header is for versioning the API. I just thought it would be kinda nice to display documentation about the request at the request address, as a kind of side effect of mapping based on the accept header.

But still, I would at least like to map versioning based on the accept header.

I'm gonna start working on my changes. I don't think it'll take me too long, but then, I'm somewhat new to Go, somewhat new to TDD, and quite new to goweb. So we'll see.


matryer commented 11 years ago

Well good luck - feel free to chat to us here:

On 27 Jun 2013, at 13:59, nelsam wrote:

Well, to be a bit clearer, the biggest reason I want to map based on Accept header is for versioning the API. I just thought it would be kinda nice to display documentation about the request at the request address, as a kind of side effect of mapping based on the accept header.

But still, I would at least like to map versioning based on the accept header.

I'm gonna start working on my changes. I don't think it'll take me too long, but then, I'm somewhat new to Go, somewhat new to TDD, and quite new to goweb. So we'll see.


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nelsam commented 11 years ago

Hrm. Well, my first instinct (which was to set handlerMethods := options[handlerMethodsStart:] and then pass an extra parameter of handlerMethods... to the various calls to map) didn't work because I didn't understand varargs and variadic functions in Go properly. I was trying to use them like python's *args, but I should have known that a lower level language wouldn't be so quick to do all sorts of expensive conversion for me.

My second instinct was to make a slight modification to handlerForOptions to make it accept arguments of either MatcherFunc or []MatcherFunc and create a single slice containing all of the MatcherFunc values passed in. So I did that and kept toying with it until the tests completed successfully. The diff is here:

After thinking about it a little, I thought it might work out better to make []MatcherFunc implement MatcherFunc. But then I found the definition of the MatcherFunc type, and I'm pretty sure that a []MatcherFunc can't act as a function, so that idea's out.

I've thought of one alternate method: create an interface (say, Matcher) that has a Match method (which takes the same arguments and returns the same values as MatcherFunc does), make a type of []MatcherFunc that implements the Matcher interface by having its Match method loop through the []MatcherFunc values and calling each one until it gets a response, and allow arguments of type Matcher instead of []MatcherFunc in handlerForOptions. But that sounds more complicated and not really any cleaner than just allowing arguments of type []MatcherFunc.

With my limited knowledge of Go and goweb, I don't think I know of a way to implement this fix that would be significantly better than what I finished last night. And with my limited knowledge of TDD and goweb, I don't know if my tests are comprehensive or clear enough (I tried to follow the style of other tests that check HandlerFuncs).

Any chance that someone could check out the link I posted to the diff between my branch and master, and give me some feedback? Any ideas about better ways to do it, what I might be doing wrong, feedback on whether my tests are okay or not, etc.

matryer commented 11 years ago

This work was done here:

TODO: Update docs, and we can close this issue.

matryer commented 11 years ago

@nelsam are the docs updated now?

nelsam commented 11 years ago

Oh, right. I am good at this game.

Closing the ticket.