stretta / BEAP

BEAP Modular. Berklee Electro Acoustic Pedagogy
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Question about editing BEAP module bpatchers #1

Closed tildebyte closed 10 years ago

tildebyte commented 10 years ago

I suppose opening an issue here is rather presumptuous of me, but I couldn't think of a better place... My issue is; I can't seem to open any of the modules to peek at their guts. I can work with them from within Live/Max[1] with no problem, but no matter how I squint or hold my mouse, I can't figure out how to look into the modules themselves. In any case, thanks so much for this amazing resource. Finding a software analog-style modular which doesn't have fixed routing, isn't patched with a matrix, or isn't MIDI-only is, well, impossible AFAIK; I can't think of anything else even remotely like BEAP (although I really like Aalto... but it's limited to a fixed set of modules). If only I could win the lottery and build a Euro rack...

[1] Live 9.0.2 x64/Max 6.1.3 x64, Win 7 64 (I had the same problem on OSX a while back).

stretta commented 10 years ago

Beap modules are bpatcher abstractions that are designed to be opened up so they can serve as an introduction to lower level Max concepts. To open up a Beap module, right click (control click on Mac) on a module to invoke a contextual menu. Then select "new view of..."

tildebyte commented 10 years ago

Ugh. I'm an idiot. Regardless, I managed to find the 'De-encapsulate' command on the Edit menu... Thanks for the assistance.

stretta commented 10 years ago

Alternatively, you could simply select a module and de-encapsulate (command -shift-D)

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

how i should install the updates fof the quantizer ?

stretta commented 10 years ago

Just replace your existing Beap package with the unzipped current beap package. Just replace the folder.

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

I downloaded the zip folder, i unzipped it and i replaced the folder and when i select the quantizer, in the max window, it says cannot read dictionary -1!! so pratically the same thing! maybe im missing smth and im not figuring out what ?

stretta commented 10 years ago

Are you pasting an a new instance of the quantizer, or loading a patcher that contains a copy of the old quantizer?

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

im opening a new patch in max 6.1 and right click to show BEAP and selecting bp.quantizer and it opens the module and directly in the max window it shows the cannot read dictionary -1

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

screen shot 2014-05-07 at 10 34 42 pm here is a screenshot

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

any idea of what should i do?

stretta commented 10 years ago

I can't duplicate this error with the current quantizer. I downloaded the latest zip from github and it includes the latest quantizer. This issue would only affect presets, you can still use the keyboard to enter your quantize notes.

It sounds like you may have multiple instances of Beap on your computer, or the new version didn't update, or it is installed in the wrong location, or you're still selecting the old version somehow. I would delete your beap folder(s) and download a fresh copy and reinstall.

bledi238 commented 10 years ago

yeah its true the issue only affects the presets as i normally use the keyboard to enter notes. By the way i tested also to uninstall my max completely reinstall it also downloaded again the beap zip and put it in the max application folder -packages and its the same thing again !1 but anyway thanks a lot Stretta for your support!