strichliste / strichliste-backend

Strichliste Backend
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Privacy/User-Options #44

Open foosinn opened 5 years ago

foosinn commented 5 years ago

Provide an option to not store the item scanned and just book the ammount the item costs.

schinken commented 5 years ago

Let us first brainstorm, which options one also might want. I'm also not sure where the scope of strichliste end/begins.

One the one hand:

For the first point: I can understand why you want to use the barcode scanner (it's a awesome feature! :)) but don't want to leave a article trace.

For the second point: There is a command to retire old transactions - but just globally. It's possible to add a user filter and then you could delete these transactions with a cronjob.

Maybe the second solves that problem partially with a userfilter. But I'm also thinking about options to add to a user.

schinken commented 5 years ago

I'm going to make a list of some possible privacy options:

Abroad from privacy related stuff: