stride3d / stride-community-toolkit

Collection of helpers and extensions for Stride Game Engine developers. Simplifies and demonstrates common developer tasks building experiences for Stride with .NET.
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[Docs] - Add compelling example of MeshInstancing #54

Open dotlogix opened 11 months ago

dotlogix commented 11 months ago

Hey there I noticed the stride docs for mesh instancing are lacking a lot so I wonder if the community toolit would be a good place to add a proper example.

My idea would be sth in the style of the MeshBuilder tutorial I made. A bit of background and a simple example in a tutorial style.

Then add some more advanced versions in an example.

Would this be a good fit for this project or should I propose sth like this to the Stride Repo first?

VaclavElias commented 11 months ago

The toolkit represents a new concept, and I would not add anything to the Stride Docs referencing the toolkit, at least until the toolkit has a stable release. Eventually, the toolkit docs might be merged with Stride Docs in the future.

This implies that any content regarding mesh instancing would be a valuable addition to the Stride Docs, provided it does not reference the toolkit yet. You're welcome to create as much content as you wish; starting with a manual that includes examples might be a good approach. If you're interested in creating a step-by-step series which you believe would fit well in a tutorial section, that's also an option.

Concerning the toolkit manual and tutorials, of course, any additional content is welcome.

Cross-referencing between the manual and tutorials, and vice versa, is highly encouraged, including references to the Stride Docs.

Let me know if I've addressed your query :)

dotlogix commented 11 months ago

So basically what you are saying the better place would be to propose this in the Stride Repo? I do not plan to extend the Instancing just create a tutorial how to use it that's why I am not sure if the toolkit is the right place for it :)