Open Doprez opened 1 month ago
This is good idea!
from Feralnex in Discord:
Android build
Go to
and delete all the stride folders (it might cause missing references etc. by how the nuget packages are cached) as @SolarChrome suggested a while ago
Open and build Stride.sln by executing command:
msbuild Stride.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug
If there're errors restore solution by executing:
msbuild Stride.sln /t:Restore
and build solution again.
msbuild Stride.Android.sln /t:Build /p:Configuration=Debug
If there're errors restore solution by executing:
msbuild Stride.Android.sln /t:Restore
and build solution again.
in the Stride contributors page we should add a section to show the steps needed to build each Stride solution file and why someone would need to use them to contribute.
Basic examples: Stride.sln Requirements:
Use cases:
Stride.Android.sln Requirements:
Use cases:
Stride.VisualStudio.sln Requirements:
Use cases:
The list goes on but these are just rough ideas of what we can add to help contributors get started. I think most of the contributors understand how the main Stride.sln works but not many understand the android, IOS, Visual Studio and other build solutions. Having these in a central place would help newer contributors easily get started and may be more motivated to even try and get started.