stride3d / stride-website

This repository hosts the source code for the official Stride 3D engine website. Contributors can follow the build instructions provided to run the website locally.
MIT License
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New website - tweak sponsor images alignment with text #205

Open acastrodev opened 10 months ago

acastrodev commented 10 months ago

Just a small thing, would be nice to centralize these images with title.


VaclavElias commented 10 months ago

At the moment, we are using Open Collective widgets which we can't control fully. I believe, there is not alignment to the centre (unless I am wrong). We could align titles to the left as option. Also, not sure if there are any other widgets we could use.


Another option, which I mentioned somewhere is to use Open Collective API, and let 11ty (our web site generator) build custom widget which would be fully responsive, including the dark theme would work.