stride3d / stride-website

This repository hosts the source code for the official Stride 3D engine website. Contributors can follow the build instructions provided to run the website locally.
MIT License
9 stars 28 forks source link

Streamlines feature highlights #264

Closed tebjan closed 5 months ago

tebjan commented 5 months ago

What do you think?


What's new in Stride 4.2

Stride 4.2 includes numerous enhancements and improvements.


What's New in Stride 4.2

Stride 4.2 includes numerous enhancements and improvements. Here’s what to expect:

Does anyone have some images or documentation links for the new features?

VaclavElias commented 5 months ago

Thanks again. Shall I merge or wait?

tebjan commented 5 months ago

Merge and stage sound good! Then we have one more feedback round. You could also copy this section to the release notes... I think it was the same.