stride3d / stride

Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko)
MIT License
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Playstation and XBox? #2157

Open Muhammadinaam opened 4 months ago

Muhammadinaam commented 4 months ago

Is there any plan to support Playstation and XBox?

IXLLEGACYIXL commented 4 months ago

for XBox UWP was used and worked but microsoft killed it without a replacement sooo if microsoft gives a replacement then it would be probably possible again

for playstation you will need a compiler to something playstation understands, ie IL2CPP that unity made and maybe its possible to do with AOT in near future but making stride AOT compatible is far in the future

ClxS commented 4 months ago

I'd like to point towards the recent MonoGame decision to migrate to using NativeAOT instead of their own IL2CPP equivalent here:

The general gist is that while their BRUTE solution worked, it has become a long term maintenance blocker leaving the people who do need it stuck on old versions of .NET with no upgrade path. .NET now has a better first-party solution for this in the form of NativeAOT.

This issue depends on #2069

archanox commented 4 days ago

I found this, which may be a good starting point to bringing back Xbox support.

The Xbox specific bits seem to be behind and NDA wall.

There's also this soon to be deprecated package for unity that could be ported over.