stride3d / stride

Stride Game Engine (formerly Xenko)
MIT License
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feat: Removal of useless GraphicsApi - Null #2328

Closed Jklawreszuk closed 6 days ago

Jklawreszuk commented 2 weeks ago

PR Details

I tried to revisit the Stride.Graphics project and among Graphics Apis there is a StrideGraphicsAPI called Null, which does nothing and is just a placeholder for other APIs. In addition, from what I understand the value of Null for StrideGraphicsApi msbuild property is never set, so I propose to remove this completely.

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Basewq commented 2 weeks ago

As someone who had been thinking of client/server game a while back, I wasn't aware there was a null api option. Are you sure this can't be used for headless server? Proper headless mode is one feature Stride is actually missing.

Jklawreszuk commented 2 weeks ago

@Basewq After doing this PR, I’m also thinking about it. I found, in Xenko or older there was a file setting Null Xen then tried to simplify the api setting and deleted the file, but nowhere sets Null value (commit: @xen2, was that intentional?

Kryptos-FR commented 1 week ago

I think we should keep it, especially if we want to have a headless version. It's possible that the work to have a fully functional headless is not complete, and that code would be a good start.

Jklawreszuk commented 6 days ago

Since there are no more comments I am closing the PR now