Closed alex-ionescu-qualitance closed 3 years ago
Why do you start discussion on Slack and then open an issue as well? Wouldn't just one place be sufficient?
Can you share the full log from the client? It is not really clear how far it got in the connection process. I also don't think the SCRAM-SHA-512 authentication will play well with the Keycloak authorization. Even if you authenticate and connect, you will not be authorized to do anything, or?
Sorry for asking in 2 places. This would be the great place to have this information since other people might have the same question. I spent the weekend browsing through open and closed issues to find if someone had the same issue as me.
From what I understand if I can get passed the authentication I should be able to give permissions to the user I have create using the KafkaUser resource. I do not have any other logs for the client since I use a console consumer inside the pods with Kafka.
I do not have any other logs for the client since I use a console consumer inside the pods with Kafka.
I'm not sure the disconnected alone suggests that it didn't get far enough to do the authentication. So I think you need to check the logs of the broker and of the cluster operator to figure out whether the 9092 listener has been applied and what else might be the problem.
From what I understand if I can get passed the authentication I should be able to give permissions to the user I have create using the KafkaUser resource.
I'm not sure this would work. I do not remember how well does the Keycloak authenticator fallback to regular ACLs and whether they can be managed by the User Operator for it. So I guess you would need to try it. Unfortunately Kafka supports only one authenticator for all listeners.
Hello everyone,
We have a Kafka cluster which needs to be secured and we have configured 2 listeners using the Strimzi Operator 0.20.0. The one with OAUTHBEARER works correctly but we are unable to connect to the one using SCRAM-SHA-512.
Our Kafka configuration for the listeners looks like this:
We are testing using a console consumer:
The error message that we get it: [2020-12-14 12:06:10,762] WARN [Consumer clientId=consumer-console-consumer-63952-1, groupId=console-consumer-63952] Bootstrap broker localhost:9092 (id: -1 rack: null) disconnected (org.apache.kafka.clients.NetworkClient)
If we try to connect with a different mechanism we get the correct error: org.apache.kafka.common.errors.UnsupportedSaslMechanismException: Client SASL mechanism 'OAUTHBEARER' not enabled in the server, enabled mechanisms are [SCRAM-SHA-512]
Any ideea how to troubleshoot this or something that we can change? We need this authentication type for AKHQ (which does not support OAUTHBEARER or has OIDC flows correctly implemented).