stringandstickytape / RegulatedNoise

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OCR Calibration issue with 3 monitors #46

Open noots opened 9 years ago

noots commented 9 years ago

Using an Nvidia Titan video card with NV surround enabled to create one virtual resolution of 7680 x 1600. Screenshots are clear but I cannot calibrate because some pointers are locked to certain coords. Example: pointer 2 stays at 2469;x. X moves, but 2469 stays as a constant. I cannot select the bottom right of the station name. Is this intentional?

Watched folder does not end up performing any OCR keeping my DB completely empty.

stringandstickytape commented 9 years ago

Yes, some of the points "snap" to match other points. Looks like your screen config creates a wide enough station name to need more space. Please post a sample Screenshot_????.BMP and I'll try to take a look at the weekend when I might have some time :-/

If you're feeling ambitious, as a workaround you can directly edit your calibration.txt file and as long as you don't then recalibrate, the change should stick. If that works let me know, it will help me fix it. On 19 Jan 2015 19:07, "noots" wrote:

Using an Nvidia Titan video card with NV surround enabled to create one virtual resolution of 7680 x 1600. Screenshots are clear but I cannot calibrate because some pointers are locked to certain coords. Example: pointer 2 stays at 2469;x. X moves, but 2469 stays as a constant. I cannot select the bottom right of the station name. Is this intentional?

Watched folder does not end up performing any OCR keeping my DB completely empty.

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noots commented 9 years ago

2015-01-19 16_47_52-elite - dangerous client

noots commented 9 years ago

I will load the file on photoshop to get x, y coords and plug them in manually in the calibration.txt file. I'll post an update if that works or not.

Is there a way to zoom in and out of the main graphic (left side of the UI)?

noots commented 9 years ago

Here is a copy of the full image capture.

noots commented 9 years ago

Manual modification of the calibration.txt file worked like a charm!
