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Rails7.1: Updating Timestamp columns with precision #1161

Closed RobBoothAppDev21 closed 4 months ago

RobBoothAppDev21 commented 4 months ago

@mockdeep In the process of creating a migration to add precision: nil to the datetime columns, I noticed that the datetime columns already have the attribute precision:nil. See below.

My understanding based on this comment is that 7.0 -> 7.1 changed precision: nil from implicit to explicit in schema.rb in instances - such as stringer - where a precision value was not set.

Snippet of updated_at column from feeds table:

    @sql_type="timestamp without time zone",

Ignore if above understanding is correct If a migration file is needed would this be the preferred approach?

  1. Generate 1st migration - add temporary columns (e.g. updated_at_temp) for each of the datetime columns in the database. See below for first pass
  2. Rake task - create a rake task to migrate data from previous datetime columns to new ones (e.g. updated_at --> updated_at_temp)
  3. Generate 2nd migration - remove old date columns (e.g. remove_column :feed, :updated_at) and rename new columns to old name (e.g. rename_column :feeds, :updated_at_temp, :updated_at
class AddPrecisionToTimestamps < ActiveRecord::Migration[7.1]
  SKIP_TABLES = [:schema_migrations, :ar_internal_metadata].freeze

  def change
    table_names =
    table_names.each do |table|
      next if SKIP_TABLES.include?(table)

      ActiveRecord::Base.connection.columns(table).each do |column|
        next unless datetime_column?(column)

        add_temp_column(table, column)


  def create_temp_column_name(column)
    name =

  def datetime_column?(column)
    column.sql_type_metadata.type == :datetime

  def add_temp_column(table, column)
    options = { precision: nil }
    options[:null] = false if ["created_at", "updated_at"].include?(
    add_column(table, create_temp_column_name(column), :datetime, options)