stripe-archive / stripe-payments-demo

Sample store accepting universal payments on the web with Stripe Elements, Payment Request, Apple Pay, Google Pay, Microsoft Pay, and the PaymentIntents API. 💳🌍✨
MIT License
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Stripe React Native: handle subscriptions #136

Closed hamzaDv closed 4 years ago

hamzaDv commented 4 years ago

I'm stuck on this issue: When I try to submit this subscription, I got an error of "subscription_payment_intent_requires_action", should I handle it on client-side or there is another way to do it?

For information: I already created setupIntent (verify 3D Secure) and return payment_method

Steps: 1 - create setupIntent 2 - generate payment_method ( verify 3D Secure) 3 - create Customer and attach payment_method to it 4 - create Subscription (on back_end) => error: "subscription_payment_intent_requires_action" shows up!

Thank you all!

// Create Subscription With Payment Method + Customer ID'/createSubscription', function (req, res){ const {payment_method, customerId} = req.body; var stripe = require("stripe")(stripe_sk); try{ stripe.subscriptions .create({ customer: customerId, items: [{ plan: 'plan_HTGCI8ljPYFTHQ' }], default_payment_method: payment_method, expand: ["latest_invoice.payment_intent"], // enable_incomplete_payments: true }).then(subscription => { res.send({ subscription : subscription }) }).catch(err => { res.send({ err }) }) } catch (error) { res.send("Error : ", error); } });

thorsten-stripe commented 4 years ago

Potentially related to old API version:

Please only file issues here that you believe represent actual bugs or feature requests for the Stripe Payments Demo.

If you're having general trouble with your Stripe integration, please reach out to support using the form at (preferred) or via email to

If you have quick code questions I recommend checking out #stripe on Freenode (IRC). A lot of Stripe users and developers hang out there, we're happy to help and answer questions! If you need a client, you can try

hamzaDv commented 4 years ago

Thank you for help is there any particular channel to chat to you