csmith [11:08 AM] pagerbot put me on weekly noc schedule during ddouglas's shift on August 13th
pagerbot [11:08 AM]
Hmm, that didn't seem to work: Problem talking to PagerDuty: 404 Not Found
Request was GET /schedules/[redacted]/entries?{:since=>"2017-08-13T00:00:00-04:00", :until=>"2017-08-13T23:59:59-04:00", :overflow=>true}
Syntax: put PERSON on SCHEDULE during ANOTHERPERSON's shift on DAY
I have confirmed ddouglas does have a shift on weekly noc schedule on august 13th, it seems it may be having trouble finding the shift or something? Is there more verbose logging I can enable?
I have confirmed ddouglas does have a shift on weekly noc schedule on august 13th, it seems it may be having trouble finding the shift or something? Is there more verbose logging I can enable?